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ds umk3

I get the random freezing thing a lot lately. It's not like me blame it on lag, but sometimes when fighting on wifi I get a temporary freeze (it lasts for about three minutes), and then after a while it either says "connection error" or "opponent has disconnected" and most of the time just searching for opponents, I get the freeze thing too. I thought it came from bad connection because when I play, I am always in the yellow with one bar.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Mine only freezes once in a blue, and it always happens when I'm "searching" so it's no biggy for me.

I hear with some people it freezes during matches, online or on the select screen on here. That's gotta suck


my game hasnt froze in awhile.. sometimes my game will just disconnect for no reason but thats prolly just my connection actin funny