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Does Tier Placement affect Enjoyment?

I just play through the entire cast and see who I like the most. In SFxT, I played Rolento, Sakura and Ogre because I liked those characters, I've played Lobo since launch in IGAU because his playstyle was the most fun to me, and I played teams with Phoenix Wright and Nemesis included in them because I enjoy those characters and the franchises they're from.

If I end up playing a low tier, it just makes my matches a little more hype lol.


Coward Character User
Tiers / character balancing definitely affect my enjoyment of a game. I like playing a medium - upper tier character, I don't ever enjoy playing a low tier or OP character full-time. I'm kinda odd when it comes to picking a main because I usually just pick them solely off looks and its the first person I use I stick with, so if I end up picking some crappy low tier it's very annoying and it is at times a turn off. I don't want to use a character I don't like either, so it's not like a simple "pick a better character" is going to help.

I'm super picky when it comes to who I choose lol.


I just want to RUSH YOU DOWN!!
Yes and no.
When you have certain characters that dominate the game it all comes down to who's the better/more skilled player. BUT, when it comes to WANTING to play with your "favorite" on a competitive level that's where it breaks down. Injustice: use to main flash now I main John Stewart but I want to main Shazam.. ¤_¤


I like to use almost every character in the game and play through all the matchups. I get bored of playing the same character for so long, and whenever I learn a new I have fun for another couple weeks. It's cool playing advantage and disadvantage matchups, but even matchups are always the most fun I guess. That's why Batman is fun to play, almost all his matchups are 5-5


Dojo Trainee
Tier placement? Nope. Character balance and viability? Yep.

Play a set of 20 in a 2-8 match-up in the other guys favor then tell me you don't care about tier-lists/balance.


Est In Harvey 1989
I'm also a character loyalist. Tier list don't matter to me at all. I main Batman & Sub-zero. I love those characters. Just my two cents.


Worst. Player. Ever.
As a filthy casual (and a lousy one at that), I couldn't care less about tiers. My friends and I have picked characters for various reasons and stuck with them--including Shazam, Joker, Green Arrow, and Deathstroke. Only one guy uses a top-tier (Aquaman) and our meager overall skill level makes that pretty irrelevant.
I mained Harley day 1 and have never looked back or ever regretted it.
But since a significant portion of this community is involved in competitive play, I'd expect this view to be rather uncommon...and I would probably feel differently if I was a tournament player...


"On your Knees!"
Tiers are just something ppl put together so players can have an argument over. Eventhough it good technical information to know, but it will always be debated. I play just cause I want to enjoy playing, sometimes I fuck around (troll) and when I am serious I will be serious but its not necessarily on how the characters are and tools they have effect the gameplay on MU. Its how that one person said "Its not the character, its the player's skill that counts"


I go for more playstyle and personal bias more than anything else. I picked Sonya before MK9 even came out and the same with CAtwoman, but for slightly different reasons. I picked Sonya due to character loyalty; she's been my fave since MK1. I picked Catwoman after watching gameplay vids during her reveal and knew I had to play her. Tiers have never mattered to me.

I think some people are downplaying the importance of character loyalty. I mean, if you spend hours upon hours trying to beat a bad matchup instead of picking a secondary to cover them, you'll learn a lot more about the character and the game itself in the long run. Also, never underestimate the power of a surprise attack. A Shazaam player might have good placement in tourneys due to lack of experience vs the character since everyone else is playing "the top tiers". If you as a player think you can hang with the big boys then don't be afraid to use your main. You just never know ;)

GGA Saucy Jack

The artist formerly known as ImNewbieSauce
During various stages of Injustice I have dropped WW, Black Adam, and Doomsday.

WW because the game was new and I was experimenting.
Black Adam because he was fucking boring to play.
Doomsday because I just flat out wasn't having fun.

I have to enjoy the character. Good, bad, or middle, doesnt natter. If im not enjoying them, then fuck em.

When mk10 drops, first character ill highlight is Kano no matter what because I love how fucking sleazy he is. And as long as I enjoy his playstyle, ill main him regardless of tier.

Thats just me.
I think people should stop making tier lists and play the damn games. Tier lists are what ruins shit IMO. I dont care if Superman beats GL 7-3 pre patch I still played him and won alot. I know it's hard to ignore tier lists but, seriously to live by them is just ludicrous. Play who you like. DBZ Goku is considered a "low tier" Saiyan. Now look at him, he is the strongest of his race. My point is Low tiers can overcome high tiers. I know thats a bad comparison, but it is the truth. I get beat by Joker players all the time using GL, Supes, and MMH. Tier lists should not exist. If you put time and effort into it low tier's can beat high tiers. Another example, Tryants Grundy vs Theo's Superman pre patch, enough said.