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Does anyone here still play Mortal Kombat 9?

I noticed I'm usually the only one playing Mortal Kombat 9 on PSN (PS3.) I suppose everyone lost interest in it? Not the same anymore. It was dciguy, btbb9, r1ryda, cuko, dookie, davidgem, ectonaught and some others like mud. Its all deserted now. :(


i haven't been playing mk9 lately bro, i like the game but there's just wayyy too much to learn for me. i would go online and beat 80% of the players or atleast hang with them, then i would play the other 20% and i would get absolutely destroyed lol. it just seemed like they were just wayyyy past my skill level for the game, i could tell these guys were playing everyday all day because they were just insanely good. i just don't have the time or motivation to good, esp for a game i don't love. i was hoping for a simpler mk like the old school ones were lol. plus i still plan on playing mk2 and i'm going to try and learn umk3 when the kollection comes out so i'm looking forward to that!


Forum General Emeritus
I still play, but it's on a casual basis. I have no intention of becoming a beast at the game anytime soon. My heart is with the classics, as it always has been.
I was into it very heavily, the game is losing lots of merit to me. i think the dlc characters suck. i love the game but its summer time and im not a gamer basically from spring time through summer time, too much going on at the moment. Im going back to the classics and staying where i belong.........
I play it but as it was stated before it's like learning a whole new game. My fundamentals keep me alive but it's almost a job to keep up with memorizing combos and moves. I have been playing Black Ops a bit more since the map pack dropped a couple weeks ago. I've been cruisin' with a clan that is a lot of fun. When it's me playing MK9 online it's me vs. 10000 scorpions.


EFL Founder
Zaq hit the nail on the head. This game should have been released RIGHT AFTER MK4, then improved up to modern standards from there.

I don't really play too much anymore, mostly just with friends on XBL. I basically never play against randoms unless I really want to play and no one is online. Even then, that experience is torture since most people are assholes on there even if they suck.

At first I thought this game had the strength to immortalize itself but now I see how wrong I was. The gameplay is, let's face it, 3D MK combined with SF. It's not that great. It's fun but it's not the crack cocaine addictive gameplay most of us are used to. (and yes I say "most" of us because this is CLASSICMK)

The more I play, the more disappointed I am. I appreciate their effort in making this game as old school as they could, but it's just not enough for me. Like dookiebrain said, I'm going to wait for the Arcade Collection to come out and go back to where I belong. I could care less if UMK3 is years old, the gameplay will last forever. This one won't.
and another reason i no longer like the game that much, the online mk9 ps3 community reminds me of just 1 big MK ghetto, millions of rooms and lobbys, everyone being a noob dick, so gay....
@Jesse, feel free to hit me up with some MK9 matches bro. I already got you on PSN. I personally love MK9, it's that perfect mix of old-skool with new-skool for me, and the fanbase at EVO 2011 for the game was outstanding. I play pretty much whenever I'm not letting my brother borrow the PS3.


i think some of us are just old school MK guys and that will probably never change, odds are ed boon will never make a true 2d MK ever again, he's going to just keep concentrating on great looking stages, awesome looking fataities, X rays, and DLC that make them rich and water down the game even more then it was before. he doesn't care about us "old school guys", he cares about making money. if he cared about us he would make a 100% 2d game, i don't want the basics from mortal kombat vs dc universe, I WANT THE BASICS FROM MK2-UMK3, YOU HEAR THAT BOON. the basics from old school mk, not DC Universe.
@btbb99, I understand if you still prefer the 2d classics; but how the hell could you call MK9 "watered down"? It's probably the deepest fighting engine the MK franchise has ever received.
I love MK9 I find it more fun than the Classics yet... strangely I started with MK1 on arcade. I feel that if i want to play the classics then i will play the classics <-Fact I never wanted MK9 to be UMK3 but I wanted some of the elements.

It is what it is and thats all it is supposed to be and will be.


My PS3 went out of commission so I haven't been on. Before my system broke I liked MK9 but what kept turning me off was the connection issues. I would get a This Game session is no longer available message 9 times out of 10 when trying to join KoTH and about half the time with regular matches. It'd sometimes be 20 minutes after turning it on that I'd actually get to play. I'm sure I'll still play once i get my system up and running again but I can see myself spending more time with Kollection when that releases.

Tim Static

UnshavenOne said:
@btbb99, I understand if you still prefer the 2d classics; but how the hell could you call MK9 "watered down"? It's probably the deepest fighting engine the MK franchise has ever received.
its still one of the most un-MK MK's ever made. its good, but something is just........SO different imo.

Its fun, but i couldnt get into playing it very much. i do like watching it played at a high level. Evo top 8 was amazing.


I'm actually really enjoying it right now. As long as they stay on top of the balancing I may stick around.

This may not be MK2 but it never will be. The only game that is gonna be MK2 is MK2. Times have changed. I will always love the old school Mortal Kombat games but they are made and they are done and we have moved on. I appreciate this game for what it is (granted I would have done many, many things differently). Like it or not this game is as close to old school MK since UMK3, in my opinion. And I've been playing Mortal Kombat since day 1.

Like it or dont like it, but stop comparing it to past games. This is a new game and a reboot at that, and believe it or not it was a step in the right direction.

People don't compare Street Fighter 4 to Third Strike or Super Turbo. They like it or not and play the game (series) they like best.
dubson said:
I'm actually really enjoying it right now. As long as they stay on top of the balancing I may stick around.

This may not be MK2 but it never will be. The only game that is gonna be MK2 is MK2. Times have changed. I will always love the old school Mortal Kombat games but they are made and they are done and we have moved on. I appreciate this game for what it is (granted I would have done many, many things differently). Like it or not this game is as close to old school MK since UMK3, in my opinion. And I've been playing Mortal Kombat since day 1.

Like it or dont like it, but stop comparing it to past games. This is a new game and a reboot at that, and believe it or not it was a step in the right direction.

People don't compare Street Fighter 4 to Third Strike or Super Turbo. They like it or not and play the game (series) they like best.
Couldn't have said it any better myself


UnshavenOne said:
@btbb99, I understand if you still prefer the 2d classics; but how the hell could you call MK9 "watered down"? It's probably the deepest fighting engine the MK franchise has ever received.
maybe i said it wrong idk, what i meant by watered down was the fact that they have damn near 35 characters in the game, wayyyy to many

@tim static, your right man, i like watching mk9 being played at a high level too, very fun to watch. i can see why people like to play it, it's just not my cup of tea that's all
btbb99 said:
i think some of us are just old school MK guys and that will probably never change, odds are ed boon will never make a true 2d MK ever again, he's going to just keep concentrating on great looking stages, awesome looking fataities, X rays, and DLC that make them rich and water down the game even more then it was before. he doesn't care about us "old school guys", he cares about making money. if he cared about us he would make a 100% 2d game, i don't want the basics from mortal kombat vs dc universe, I WANT THE BASICS FROM MK2-UMK3, YOU HEAR THAT BOON. the basics from old school mk, not DC Universe.
I'm not dogging on you, but I'm curious what you mean by "basics from MK2-UMK3"?


CrazySlasher27 said:
I'm not dogging on you, but I'm curious what you mean by "basics from MK2-UMK3"?
dude the basics are exactly the same from MK vs DC universe, it even says so in the strategy guide. i'm pretty sure you know what i'm talking about because you played all MK's and don't need me to explain. if i do it will seem as i'm bashing MK9 and that's not what i'm trying to do, i guess the guys on here that said we shouldn't compare this to old school MK's were right, they are there own games and that's that
btbb99 said:
dude the basics are exactly the same from MK vs DC universe, it even says so in the strategy guide. i'm pretty sure you know what i'm talking about because you played all MK's and don't need me to explain. if i do it will seem as i'm bashing MK9 and that's not what i'm trying to do, i guess the guys on here that said we shouldn't compare this to old school MK's were right, they are there own games and that's that
I just didn't know if there were any particular things from earlier MK's that you would have liked to have seen in MK 9. I know I wish MK 9 had the jab-pressure that MK 2 and UMK 3.

Edit: Come to think of it, I wish they could do something with the throws like they did in MK 2 & UMK 3. I have a hell of a time trying to tech throws in MK 9. I like down-back block :)


ZAQ said:
Well that's by far the majority of you that have stopped playing it. Right now we have the rare opportunity of having every 2D game released at the same time. I hope those of you who have come to the conclusion that you will only like the classic games will choose to support them as much as you possibly can when they are released.

I kind of feel like it is time to take some drastic measures to ensure that the 2D games will have a long shelf-life with the release of MK:Arcade Kollection. Mortal Kombat is now almost 20 years old and for all we know it could be the last release that they ever have of the classic games and it most likely will be to this extent unless they decide to release a HD Kollection in the future.

So this time around everyone should really work their asses off to get the word out to players that there are others that play the game at a competitive level and would like them to at least try it. Look around right now, there aren't many players on this site and it is the most active competitive 2D MK forum that focuses on the classics on the Internet.

For those of you that have decided that you love the classics and want them to be around for as long as you are around then you are going to have to take a more active role in the community and put more effort into getting more players to join online and offline tournaments to keep them playing the games and have them integrate with the existing community. If you play someone online, whether they are good or bad, take a second and send them a message to tell them where to go for more information on the game and where to learn how to play it.

We all need to stick together and support each others games. Whether you play MK1, MK2, UMK3, MKT, MK4, MK9, it doesn't matter. We sure as hell won't get anywhere if we choose to divide ourselves for every game in the series.
well said, the kollection will be an excellent opportunity to tell new players about classicmk to get this site jumping again, i really hope it brings back alot of players and i think it will, i know mk2 will be popular on psn as it's always been and the same for umk3 on xbox, but i also think alot of mk2 ps3 guys like myself will be playing umk3 on psn because we will now have access to it, i hope the same for mk2 on xbox, and that could be good news. i hope for big mk2/umk3 tournaments on this site and i think there will be