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Does 0.9999999 = 1?

Does .9999999 = 1?

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Xbl: Johnny2Die
If this amuses you look up the monty hall problem.
This actually makes sense though... although it took some thought to wrap my head around it when I first heard it.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo


There it is...
This actually makes sense though... although it took some thought to wrap my head around it when I first heard it.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo
This makes sense, you just have to accept that you cannot rationalize the infinite.



She posted another vid on April fools saying why all those reasons were wrong. I'm not a math expert but if you guys wanna keep tripping on math then here's more shit for you.


Alfred Hitchcock reincarnated.
If you do an algebraic proof with knowledge on Calculus TECHNICALLY it can proven proven to be equal to 1.



Takes even smart people a while to get that one sometimes.
Well I feel like an idiot--I can see why 12:59 could be the correct answer, but why is it the only correct answer? Apparently, you'll need to explain it on a 3rd grade level for me to understand lol.

Salad Petresky

BUT... I can't go with algebra because it doesn't tell the whole story. There are things you cannot do with Algebra that you can with other kinds of match like Calc. So to me .9999 could never be 1 because of the limit as something approaches 1. Two different numbers can never truly be the same.

What say you TYM

Im a math major, " I can't go with algebra because it doesn't tell the whole story. There are things you cannot do with Algebra that you can with other kinds of match like Calc. " This is a misconception. Calculus is a SHORT CUT of algebra, every calculus problem can be solved using Algebra/geometry. However, it'll take a very long time to calculate such thing.

In math, the concept of infinity is a postulate you make. Infinity isnt something can be proven or calculated, when you say something like .9999999999999=1. Since infinity is a postulation, you can infer "if infinity concept does exist" then ".999999=1" which is true because algebra and calculus are also created based on postulation of .3333333=1/3, which is the postulation of division. So if we use algebra postulation... In reality there is no such thing as .999999999, but if there is then it is equal to 1


You can also proof this using calculus base: 9(0.1)¹ + 9(0.1)² + 9(0.1)³ ....=.99999

So: ∑ = a / (1 - r)

0.9 / (1 - 0.1) = 0.9 / 0.9 = 1

a proof x=x is also an algrebra postulation because in the world there are no 2 objects that are EXACTLY the same. So you are making a postulate to say that there are two objects are EXACTLY the same.

How about lets make a postulation of "theres no infinity" then .999999 wouldnt even be exist in order to be equal to 1. The fact that you make a postulation of there is infinity, so the answer is 1 based on that postuation


cr. HP Master
It doesn't mater if you posted .999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 does it equal 1? Bring it back to basics. Does .999 have even 1 whole number? Nope. I don't care how complicated people try to make it out to be, it simply doesn't equal 1. If you want to get into weird crap study 0.

Salad Petresky

It doesn't mater if you posted .999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 does it equal 1? Bring it back to basics. Does .999 have even 1 whole number? Nope. I don't care how complicated people try to make it out to be, it simply doesn't equal 1. If you want to get into weird crap study 0.
I just explained everything in my post.... The fact that infinity is a postulate, it cant be proven or calculated. You can only say "if infinity" exists, then "this would happen". The fact that .9999999999 doesnt even exist because the concept of infinity is a postulate.


In statistics .9 repeating is considered 1. But statistics is a real life math so the discrepancy between the two is so negligible that the two numbers are equal. However .9 repeating does not equal one in all maths.

Edit: by the way .9 repeating isn't an actual number, it's and idea; Similar to infinity. Like an irrational if you want to think of it like that.


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
Well I feel like an idiot--I can see why 12:59 could be the correct answer, but why is it the only correct answer? Apparently, you'll need to explain it on a 3rd grade level for me to understand lol.
The bacteria doubles every minute, so if you go back one minute, you're cutting the bacteria in half.

1:00 = 100% full
12:59 = 50% full


Forecast calls for missiles
That algebra is wrong to begin with. 1/9 does not equal 0.111, it is a repeating decimal. You can't change the rules. That is a proof of precisely nothing


The bacteria doubles every minute, so if you go back one minute, you're cutting the bacteria in half.

1:00 = 100% full
12:59 = 50% full
Got you :)

I was thinking of it like the bacteria was a cell or something and that it doubled, so now being 2 cells, and so on. What you said makes way more sense--thanks for the explanation lol.



Think of it like this:

There are 2 parts of your body with the same pronunciation. Ileum and Ilium. Note that these two words have a difference of ONE LETTER.

Ileum is the very last part of your small intestine.

Ilium is the uppermost part of the largest bone in your pelvis(the "wing").

Lets say you have an intestinal infection and a small part of your ILEUM needs to be removed.

The doctor should know the difference...

Lets say there's a .999% chance that he will spell ILEUM the CORRECT way.

Are you willing to risk that .001% that he will accidentally spell ILIUM and you'll get a HIP REPLACEMENT instead of a procedure on your small intestine?

I am not willing to risk that. Therefore .999 =/= 1.00

Lou Kang

yeah but thats just illogical thinking by you, a 99.99 repeated chance of success is virtually a guaranteed because the chance of failue is an infinitly small value.....but even then since we are dealing with theoretical values it is impossible to translate it to real word practicality


yeah but thats just illogical thinking by you, a 99.99 repeated chance of success is virtually a guaranteed because the chance of failue is an infinitly small value.....but even then since we are dealing with theoretical values it is impossible to translate it to real word practicality
The key word here: VIRTUALLY

Think of it this way then...

A door that is closed is = 1.00

.9 + .01 = .91 therefore something .8 can fit through the door
.9 + .02 = .92 therefore something .7 can fit through the door

This repeating pattern says that if the number continues to increase infinitely then an equal amount of infinite amount of DECREASING things can "fit through the door". The numbers are NOT equal.


The compliment of .9 repeating is not .001, you cant think of .9 as a number that has a compliment because it is infinitely close to 1.
The problem is that to GET to .9 repeating you must continuously add .xxxxxxxxxx1 to it every time to continue to get to the next 9. There is always that infinite amount that needs to be added to get to the next 9.

That means that an infinite amount of times, .99999 is NOT equal to one.