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Do you think you can defeat yourself in this game?


Warlock Nerd
The real question is would you have a menage a tous with your lover and yourself?
now that i think about it. both mattmans would immediately attempt to kill one another on sight, so we wouldnt even be playing MK. each of us would know that the other one was up to no good and would probably try to bang each others girlfriend. however, that means there would have to be two of them, and thought of them forming a deadly alliance would sicken us. For the greater good, we would put our differences (or similarities?) aside, and rid the world of those bitches. a man can dream...

what were we talking about?


It becomed more of a banging stuff than challenging memberself
Are you surprised that members of a gaming community are horny, 24/7?

Your question is quite interesting because ive been thinking about it. I mean, you would assume it would be a pure 50/50...and yeah, in the case of mirrors. However, if you could play yourself in every single match up in the game, you could probably gauge the most perfect tier list there is. Lets say you have two really good mains, Liu Kang and Reptile. If you played 10 matches, how do you think the outcome would be? 5 a piece, or one character dominating more than the other? If such a thing were possible, it would be interesting to see peoples match up charts, based on fighting themselves through a slew of match ups.


Yeah, I'd abuse my weaknesses. But then I would adapt. After awhile of back and forth I'd probably get in a fistfight over the salt.
If i was playing my former self before i picked up kabal then yes i would have a shot winning 6-4, but if i have to play my current self, id get bodied!
It depends: Which one of us has more exhaustion points? And is my mirror-self a clone created by a machine, or by a magical spell of sorts?


It's weird because I have always thought about this lol. Pretty much all main characters are very close to going even with eachother, so I wondered what it would be like if my Kung Lao fought my Cyrax and vice versa and I fought my Sonya with Cyrax and Kung Lao. It's a weird thought but it's interesting lol