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Do you have a favorite and least favorite combo with your mains?

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Favorite: iaTU - Away+2, 1 - Away+3, 4 / Metal Uppercut - Away+2 / Flame Burner. Makes my opponents think twice when they're trying to zone me out.
Least favorite: Away+3, 4 / TU > Away+2, 1 - Away+3, 4 / MU - Away+2 / Flame Burner. Not worth trying. You'll drop this combo a lot more than land it. Hate it.

Favorite: 1, ,1 / Spear - njP - jK / Teleport >>F4, 3 / Spear. Sooo sexy.
Least favorite: F4 / Spear into vortex. It no fun.

Kung Lao
Teleport / 2 - Jk / Dive Kick >> 2 / Ultimate Hat - F3 / Spin >> 2, 4, Grab, 2. No overhead combo starters you say?
B3, 3 / Spin - jK / Dive Kick - F3 / Spin. Worthless.