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Do you have a favorite and least favorite combo with your mains?


I don't play Runescape
Just curious. Post them here. Here's mine

Favorite: Any combo that ends with 2, 1, 4, slide. It always looks really cool
Least: Any combo that ends with 2, 1, 2, slide. They're usually more damaging, but it's like the ugly little brother of the 2, 1, 4

Favorite: Dive Kick, 2, 1, Khartwheel, dash jabs, Leg grab. I love the Leg Grab and finishing rounds with it and I'm really fond of the dive kick into 2, 1, because I used to just do DK, 4, 4 and I'm glad I was able to finally get better
Least: B2, 1, F2, njp, Kiss, etc. This combo start annoys me, because I can never seem to get it exactly right.

Quan Chi
Favorite: U3, Trance. It's so satisfying to land an U3 with him... It's just such a great feeling that such a move would work
Least: B2, 1 juggles. I do them perfectly offline. I always miss online and this fills me with sad.

I'll post more later, what about your favorites? Eh? Eh?


Smoke: Favorite (with opponent against the wall) b+2, 3, teleport punch, d1 xx smoke bomb, 3 d1 2, ender. Shout outs to wafflez!



Favorite - F+413
Least - F+413, D+1, 12 overhead smash, EH ground pound, 1, 1, 12 overhead smash, EH ground pound, 1, 1, 12 overhead smash, EH ground pound, 1, 1, 1, 1, 12, 12, 12 dash punch


EX Ovi should launch
3d12, NJP, 3d12, 4~SB, Jump punch, f4~ EX Smoke bomb, Jump punch, f4 EX Smoke bomb, jump punch f4 ex smoke bomb, jump punch f4 invisibility. SWAG

Least favourite - KT Smith juggles into b2,3 smoke bomb, that shit sucks!

Also funny, in the corner : 32, 2, 2, 2, d1, d1, d1~SB, 2, 2, d1~telepunch. Lol.


Smoke: Favorite (with opponent against the wall) b+2, 3, teleport punch, d1 xx smoke bomb, 3 d1 2, ender. Shout outs to wafflez!
That bastard hits me with that combo EVERY match. Comboing off a teleport is dumb :'(

Tapatalk, helping me procrastinate.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Raiden: F24, F24, D1 shocker, F23 X ray
Raiden: All his combos are satisfying :)

Kung Lao: 1) (Corner) Dive kick, spin, Jump kick teleport 3, 1,1,1,2413~2
2) (Corner) 21 spin, jump kick teleport 3, jump kick divekick, 1,1, 2413~2
3) (Corner) 21 spin, jump kick teleport 3, jump kick divekick, 3 ex hat, jump kick teleport 3, 1, 2413~2
Again a very satisfying character to land combo's with because of his options afterwards.


114-rising karma-F22B2=favourite
F32-rising karma-F32-spirit charge=least

F31-axe swing-B2-axe swing-1-1-122-shoulder charge=favourite
F312-F312-F312-F312 (corner)=least

Johnny Cage
21F2-2-2-2-2-114-nut punch (corner)=favourite
21F2-F3-F3-nut punch=least

12B1-F44-teleport uppercut-B34-EX teleport uppercut-F4-up missile=favourite
12B1-FJK-teleport uppercut-F43-EX teleport uppercut-B21=least


That bastard hits me with that combo EVERY match. Comboing off a teleport is dumb :'(

Tapatalk, helping me procrastinate.

another (new) favorite combo that I also so done first by wafflez is mid screen: b+2,3 , sb, teleport (whiff), 3 d1 2, ender

the timing feels so strict but it looks so awesome


Let's see how long this lasts...
Favorite = B3F2, Scream, JIP, B3F2, Dash, B12, Dash 111, Hairwhip
This is mah 40+ % BnB that I always do.

Least = 21, ENscream, JIP, B3F2, Dash, F12, Hairwhip
This is a combo I only (should) hit online since no one blocks the 1 in 21 since it's a low and (most) people can't block in time but, I do it anyways cause I'm a scrub.


Bone and Metal

- 21+net, AA jump, JIP, 21+ex bomb, mid-bomb, uppercut, b2, 121+AA jump
Least Fav: Reset combos

Kung Lao:

- 112+spin, JIK+dive kick, f3+x-ray, 1, 1, 24+leg grab super palm strike
Least Fav: None


- 212, 212, 212, up ball
Least Fav: Anything involving b112 as the starter.


- b34+telepunch, 22+telelift, telepush
- Air-to-Air Attack+telepunch combos
Least Fav: None


-b12+freeze, JIP, 214+slide
Least Fav: None


Shazzy's Senpai
Favorite: JIP, 23, Roll, NJP, b14, 112, Necknbite. It just feels right.
Least Favorite: JIP, 42, 234, 234, Roll, 4, Neckbite. (Corner) It's too hard.


I don't play Runescape
And my last characters

Favorite: B1, Staff Slam, B2, U3. It's cool to see a move with just all staff attacks
Least: 3, 4, 2. Screw this string... It promises so much, then just lies

Favorite: B1, 2, 2, njp, 4, Roll. Learned it from RAMPAGE. Shout outs to the coolest combo without guns
Least: Combos that end with standing 4. They don't look cool at all

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Noob: Every one! But heres an example of one i like.

JIP, b1214~EXUpknee, 3~EXUpknee, 3~EXUpknee, 3~Upknee, 12~Upknee, d4~OnPortal.
In damage, it equates to a LOT :p


Favorite: (In the corner) JIP,2,2,4,iceblast,(B1)2,2,1,4,xray (55%. If ice blast didnt have damage scaling on it it would do 62%)
least favorite: Anytime they block the first hit of 2,1 but get hit by the 2nd hit and I settle for D4,slide as a followup.

Favorite: F2,1,NJP,3,fan toss,2,fan lift,B2,air fan toss,xray(complete and total waste of meter but it looks awesome.)
least favorite: Dont know yet, Ive only been messing with her for 2 days.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
Most of kanos combos are piss poor in some kind of way, but i guess i despise the Jip-b112-b112-upball.

I also dont kinda of like smoke combos, theyre kinda weird too


RIP Ex Smash
Reptile- 321 dash njp 32 ffb sfb, 321 invs -favorite
122 ffb 32 sfb 321 slide- least favorite.

212 ex upknee, upknee, ex upknee, upknee, upknee, ex upknee, upknee, upknee, upknee.


Least favorite- Any midsceen combo without a reset.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
My favorites to do with Smoke:

NJP, 3 2, 3 D1 2, 2 1~Smoke Bomb, F4 Reset. Reset can be done anywhere on the screen, but the timing is different than when you do it near a corner (can't dash in to F4).

Jump to Jump Punch, D1~Smoke Bomb, 3 D1 2, Ender. Nothing is more satisfying than winning an air to air situation and following it up with a combo. Most Smokes use a blank Smoke Bomb after the JP. I find this too inconsistent and height dependent, so I use D1.

Least favorite combo:
3 D1 2, 3 D1 2, 3 D1 2...etc. This is so fucking redundant. So unoriginal.:coffee:

That said, I am shocked I don't see Smokes using this:
3 D1 2, 3 D1 2, 3 D1 2, D1~Smoke Bomb, F4 reset. The F4 reset is guaranteed anywhere on the screen, and the timing is almost the same as when you do it near a corner (easiest midscreen F4 reset combo to do...ever).


JC fave: anything into nut punch.
JC hate: Midscreen f33 anti-air or f32 anti air

KL fave: max damage combo into 24 grab
KL hate: none yet

Universal hate: input error that fucks up my combo, ie JC's f2 or kung lao's teleport when i wanted a fucking dive kick.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
With scorpion - (for the lulz) *back to corner* extele d1, d1, d1, d1~spear
Real one - *back to corner* extele 21, 21, 21 d1~spear cjp f21~tele f4~takedown(ex for the kill, why not?)

With Sub -
*opponent cornered on the off chance I land a b2* - njp, njp, 4, 214~xray

Least Favorite -
Scorpion - 21 tele. This happens when I've been playing too long or I'm stoned(i start to dial out shit) and I somehow fuck up the F in f21 in a vortex.....this equals death. :D

Sub - None :D


Favorite- back 1, 2,2, gun shot, 1,2 roll toss retro combo is sexy and a nice BNB.
Hate: Back 2, back 4 ..ewww lol

Favorite- 2,3, forward 2, staff grab, leads to great meter build, nice pushback and fancy to look at.

Hate- 3,4,2 can be blown up so bad and leads to garbage damage? Get out of here lol.

Favorite: 1,2, back 1 awesome launcher, sage on block
Hate-forward 3, 2, it's way too big of a risk for the damage and it's just awkward to me, imo.


Get over here!
Sub: 212 freeze (b1) 2 22 slide
22 freeze jip 214 slide

Smoke: 3d12 32 4 smokebomb 3d12 jk airthrow
(AA) 2 d1 d1 smokebomb f4 reset 32 3d12 jk airthrow

Ermac: b114 ex lift jk tele 22 force push
(AA) 1 lift jk tele 22 x ray

I don't really have any least favorites that come to mind

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
fav- I'm one of the few who rock the ChrisG combo: 1221 , dash , F2 x EN FFB , 32 x SFB , 2 F3 1+2
and my self-made corner combo: 321 x Acid Hand , 321 x FFB , 4 x EN SFB , 321 x Invis

hated- st 2 x FFB combo starter.IDK I find it weird to do that when you could 1221 , 321 or just 32 x EN FFB

Kung Lao:
fav- IDK why Kung Lao players don't do: 112 x Spin , NJP , swag punches x4 , dash , 24 1+3~2

hated- old Kung Lao BnB: 112 x Spin , JK x Dive Kick , f3 x Spin