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Question Do we like the game?

Do you like MKXL

  • Yes

    Votes: 177 64.8%
  • No

    Votes: 96 35.2%

  • Total voters

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I remember trying to find setups that gave me set play in both injustice and Mk9. In this game the set play is obvious and simple and every character has it.

The run and stage size, plus 50/50 mayhem, makes this less of a mind game and more of a "guess wrong and die" game. I much prefer injustice and Mk9 to this game


When the game first came out I loved it and couldn't get enough. Then as all games do it became a little stale right before mkxl. I kinda got back into it once mkxl is released mostly due to the to the fact that online was actually playable but then again became bored.

After playing the shit out of Dark Souls 3 I'm back again. One thing that really helped me continue playing was learning new characters. Not only does it help your overal skills because the character most likely plays differently but it's just a nice change of pace.


thugs bunny
It's alright.
Having to go full setplay just because defensive play is almost non-existent gets boring after a while.
Also knowing that I beat someone because I had a 50% chance of getting 30-40% damage every time I touched my opponent isn't really that satisfying.


Online Scrub Lord
I would rank it below Mk9, but definitely better than Injustass. For me, it got really boring, really fast, but was enjoyable the first few months of its life. SFV>MKX btw. Hopefully they improve the movement in Injustass 2. I felt like I was carrying Precious on my back in that game.


Stylin' & Low Profilin'
i've always been an mk fan, but this is the first fighting game that i've played semi-competitively. i don't know why i decided to get into this game more but i did and i have alot of fun with it. but, the more i play it i can understand where alot of the complaining comes from. the 50/50's, hard-to-blocks, safe armor moves, meterless vortexes, etc etc. there is alot of silly stuff in this game, but for the most part i thoroughly enjoy it. and for me personally it's a nice change since i normally play shooters. i do hope nrs games in general change for the best moving forward.


Alternative-Fact Checker
I'm not a big fan, but I think it's the closest NRS has come to a game with flaws that are more preferential than true-blue gameplay issues.

One of its biggest misgivings I think is trying to circumvent potential abuse of the delayed getup. This was a big problem in MK9, where you could hold on to a getup forever, then roll, then do an invulnerable wakeup. That sucked. Here they tried to circumvent it by locking out wakeups after a delayed getup, which I understand and can see why they made that choice, but I think it was better on paper than in application.

I like when getting knocked down is extremely dangerous, something MKX does really well, but I think that having the potential guess between regular and delayed getup is often shattered by strings that will last the length of the knockdown. Again, this makes sense, since the punishment for doing a long string on a downed character can be them getting up to punish you, but in practice it just makes it really easy for characters like D'vorah, Erron Black, Kotal and Alien still enforce their mixups while leaving the character with the far less safe armored wakeup, some of which are so slow that they can be destroyed by those same characters. I think that sort of flies in the face of that initial design, which kinda sucks since it really hurts to be knocked down.

I don't mind the crushing offense, because there are a bunch of anime type games that do have offense that is crushing, but generally they have better defensive options in addition to a breaker type move: perfect defense, air blocking, high air mobility, and others. I'm not sure what the answer is and won't pretend to, but I think breaker needs a partner.

It's not my cup of tea, but I also don't think it takes no skill to be good at, which a lot of the more vocal people do and I think is just flat out wrong. Results are consistent, the best guys always win. The correct word would probably be that it's annoying to fight against, but there is most definitely a massive skill gap between the good and bad.


Dojo Trainee
I like the game but there are quite a few things I hate. Plus on block 50/50's, run mechanic, advancing normals that hit almost half-screen,htb's ,vortexes, broken jump-ins, and jailing pressure like A list. But I can accept all of them but plus on block 50/50's and the run mechanic. If you guess right you should be rewarded with it being your turn not them pushing another mixup. Also I think they should just tone down runs overall and nerf the broken jump-ins. I have to be full-screen almost to be able to react to some Johnny player running up kamakazie-style and then hitting f3 and even then I might get hit because it has a phantom hit-box.


I like the game a lot, but I play Goro and Kitana, two very fun characters with their own style and meta. I don't chase the tiers and I also don't play an insane amount at all like some people do. I like their stagger pressure, offense, defense, and pokes. Not to mention the sound effects and aesthetic designs of both of them are not only great to hear and look at, but very captivating and engaging. Their personalities and dialogue are great touches too.

The game appeals to me on a competitive and casual level and that's good enough for me.

Games are like relationships, the more time you spend with someone, the more you can pick up on flaws and issues. People complained very hard at various points about MK9 and Injustice too, this is how it goes. The game is flawed, but every game is flawed. You can find any game, there will be detractors no matter what.

I'm not the biggest advocate on pacing, but calling the game very random is also dishonest because the results are consistent, which is indicative of anything, but randomness. The only insane offense I really feel is a thing that is off putting comes from D'Vorah and Cage.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
In a semantic sense, I'm not sure if I have as much fun with the game as others, and really do wonder how much I'd play it if it wasn't under the MK umbrella.

However what I do like about the game, and may actually make up for the former, is simply how competitive it feels. Training mode and variations have help unearth serviceable options that I don't think would've materialized without them. It can feel over-testing and over-demanding at times, but I feel that's actually made a lot of people better players at a lot of things and sieved out the fuckbois. Honestly, the narratives of "you can't X in this game" or "this game has no X" usually suggests to me the person in question are playing their options/the game in an arbitrary/entitled way.

Whether the nature of the game is the way to go for future games? Remains to be seen. A lot of people in the SF community didn't like the step back from the gritty nuances of 3rd Strike going into vanilla SF4 onwards but the SF4 games took the FGC as a whole to all kinds of new endeavors commercially and competitively, and Capcom haven't looked back with SF5. NRS have had a lot to prove in recent years but I think they've earned their stripes and have room to go a bit crazy without heading back to the shitshow of the 3D games.


Love the game, second best story mode to date, best multiplayer to date. However, I say this fully expecting further balance/DLC support, were this the end of the game's evolving state, I may have a different opinion.

I have never had more fun, or been more frustrated, with any other fighting game. Once we got the new netcode,
MKXL became my #1 game, if for no other reason other than I no longer needed to rely entirely on offline play for practice and casual play.


I voted no. Reason being I feel like they screwed over players throughout mk X's period. So I am voting no for the PC players, the sorry excuse for vanilla netcode, the overpowered dlc characters on release and the poor patching.


Guess how many games I bought in 2015? MKX and Monolopy so either I like MK games or I'm a fanboy. No one would complain about something for no reason, this game could've been better competitively and that's the only thing that bothers me.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Isn't Kitana the end all be all of zoners?
Quan Chi

All of these characters can zone well. Not in every match up, but pure projectile based zoning doesn't exist in too many fighters these days.

More to the point, the zoning exists to force mistakes for punishment, not to deplete an entire lifebar with fireballs.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Warning: LONG post incoming.

With MKX, NRS took steps in the right direction AND the wrong direction.

Their consistency in the introduction of busted DLC characters baffles me. For MK9, it was Kenshi (and probably Freddy too, but he wasn't used often). For Injustice, it was Batgirl and Martian Manhunter. For MKX, we had Tanya, and now we have Alien. Of course, characters from the initial rosters stood out as well, but the point is that it just flies over my head as to how these characters have flaws that manage to slip past the radar while undergoing testing.

I liked the idea of the variation system, and I would hope to see it return for Injustice 2 because when utilized correctly, it can indeed address the concern of one-sided match-ups...but in MKX, the system's potential was not realized because different variations could play similarly. As an example, Jax had three variations, but all of them leaned towards the same goal: 50/50 offense combined with plus frames. I think a little more variety would really make the system shine.

Other variations were completely irrelevant as they were inferior replicas of stronger variations. For example, as a Scorpion player, can you tell me why I would opt for Inferno over Hellfire? @PND_Ketchup explains this comparison really well so instead of elaborating, I'll simply link his video. There are other characters who suffer from this, but I'll leave it to you to determine who they are.

For the run meter, I partly like it and I partly don't. What I like about it is how it ties heavily into your use of meter management...in particular, the breakers. This change made us place greater emphasis on the use of enhanced specials, something we didn't see as often in MK9. It also forced you to ask yourself, "Do I want to give up stamina to run in and initiate offense, or save it for a breaker in case I mess up?" However, the run meter returns so quickly that this concept isn't as enforced.

Another con is - okay, you saw this coming - the run cancels. I can't remember when, but I was told that NRS wanted to eliminate the concept of dash cancels from Mortal Kombat 9. They certainly didn't come back in Injustice because of the lack of a block button, which meant that all dashes in that game were commitments, but they somewhat rebounded in MKX because you could instantly cancel runs with attacks or the block button. This, along with advancing normals and strings, made it extremely difficult to play a neutral game.

And yes, when I mention run cancels I also refer to the ridiculous plus frames from A-List Cage and Swarm Queen D'Vorah. They shouldn't be so plus that you have to hold that for so long. At least they decreased the chip damage and meter building from blocking normals to balance this out, but it is still an absurdity.

As far as MKX's 50/50s went, see my post here: http://www.testyourmight.com/threads/delete-this-please.60179/page-3#post-2101688

The knockdown game - being forced to spend meter to have a chance at waking up is GREAT. Being able to meaty with safe 50/50s is not. I don't even mind if strings last long enough to be used as a meaty or if 50/50s could not be made safe, resources or no.

Backdashes being tied to the use of stamina would be just fine if all characters had backdashes that worked. Some have GREAT backdashes (look at Kano, for fuck's sake) while others are horrible (Kitana and Scorpion, why...?).

The blockstun being bad enough to jack with your punish attempts on certain normals/specials in this game is yet another headache. My character's F2 is guilty of this, as is Kotal Kahn's EX overhead, and there are more examples that could be listed.

While the concept of interactables was tuned better for this game, there are still some that give you invincibility when used without super meter. That really irks me. I'd hope for them to be gone in Injustice 2, but I'm sure I would be disappointed.

Jump attacks being as they are...yeah. There is the option to trip-guard them, but I still feel that jump attacks have no business out-prioritizing grounded attacks. If they can't lead to combos, fine, but can I please smack those bunnies out of the air without the need to use meter?

For those who want me to say it, yes, Scorpion's jump-3 is stupid for the above reason. I'd also like to introduce you to Kung Jin, Jax, Sub-Zero, and Alien.

In relation to jump attacks, there's the concern of an added slowdown to your character's auto-correct before their attack comes out. Your character may have a great D2, but you may have noticed that on occasion, it comes out slower than usual while you're auto-correcting against an opponent jumping over you, and then said D2 loses to their jump attack. I have an eight-frame D2 that sometimes fails to beat cross-ups because of this.

I stuck with MKX for as long as I did because Ninjutsu Scorpion catered so much to how I like to play, AND he was a gemstone from my childhood days when I played the earlier MK titles, but were it not for any of what I listed above I may have put more time into this game than I currently do. I still give a thumbs-up to NRS for supporting the game as much as they did, but they still have work to do...lots of it.


Reptile / Noob
Well of course I like this game. In every game i have things that I like and dislike.

The worst thing for me is still the cast. I played a lot of Chars in practice mode and it looks like I'll never find my second character.

I'm still happy that I have 1 char I like


My blades will find your heart

I love this game and at the same time, I don't believe 100% when certain people say they don't. Because if you're a stalker like me and take a look at the "last seen" on the profile of those who frequently complain about the game, you can see they come on TYM very often. It makes no sense to stop playing the game because you hate it and be an active member here at the same time.
Just because we hate the game doesn't mean we are giving up on all future NRS titles.

Also, the only thread I come here for anymore is the Overwatch thread. Not even joking lol. (That might change once the next NRS title is announced).

Quan Chi

All of these characters can zone well. Not in every match up, but pure projectile based zoning doesn't exist in too many fighters these days.

More to the point, the zoning exists to force mistakes for punishment, not to deplete an entire lifebar with fireballs.
As stated before, its not that zoning is nonexistent, just that it is 100X harder to do in this game than rushdown. I mean with the run, 50/50s, long reaching normals, teleports, it's no wonder why you don't see much zoning at a high level.

Also only trolls and idiots say the game takes no skill. The results are very consistent and it definitely takes a ton of skill to play, especially with how unforgiving its neutral and footsies are. Lets not start straw manning people's arguments please...
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It's too laggy to poke...
Aside from some balancing issues and old netcode... the game is a masterpiece. I get burnt out every couple of months but keep coming back. I do think its play style is unique to other NRS games but injustice and mk9 were unique too.