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Do our players really lack fundamentals?


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Lol? TAC infinites, unblockables, Zero's incoming mixup instakill shenanigans, Morridoom, etc, etc.
New member with Dee Jay in his avatar only picking and choosing what's broken, explain to me why you bothered replying to him again? lol

mk9 is a poorly developed unfinished piece of shit.
Elaborate, not that I'm saying you're wrong, but you're also not the one who's possibly gonna get his back blown out by a masquerade of corporate cheerleaders in 6 months, what have you got to lose?


My blades will find your heart
Lol when top players from other fighting game communities tried to pick up super scrubby fundamentally challenged mk they got bodied. At least our game has meter management and not whack ass ultras and infinites. In this game if you get hit by an xray its yo damn fault no excuse and at least there's breakers too for a fair but not hella cheap comeback factor
Chris G
J wong

You are right though, MK is not fundamentally challenged, it is jst so different from other fighting games that what seems to be fundamentals for MK are not seen as fundamentals in other communities. (Because again, this game is so different from everything else out there).

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
This game needs for some characters to have better mids..... then we'd really know who has the best spacing.

I find it funny when Kitana players say they hate mirrors.... because honestly she is the most "fundamental" character probably in the game. She WILL punish a bad whiff.... whereas other characters just don't have that option.

Like foxy said.... spacing is an ability that will cover all games.... but the fundamentals of each game are entirely different. MK's don't translate to anything. SF doesn't translate to MK..... etc etc.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Though I am just now easing my way into the more competetive side of MK and other FGs, I have played SFIV and TTT2 a bit before just coming back to my comfort zone of MK. What has always made me enjoy MK9 above all is the easy execution factor, I have no issues with moves that require QCF or QCB and what not to execute a move, but I do not enjoy a charge moves, to me they are annnoying to pull off. Not to mention some of Capcoms fighters are just broken in many many ways, such as SFxT, which when reading the rules of the game in a tournament proves its broken, not to mention their insane money making scheme with on disc DLC, anyhow thats a story for another day. MK to me has always felt to have the most balance I've seen in a FG and as far fundementals go yes I feel that MK just has different fundamentals than SF or other fighters have. Also blocking in MK IMO is more stratigic and tacticle to execute, instead of just holding back all the time one has to trully learn to read their opponent and know exactly when to hit that block button, not to mention that your are severly punished for being such a block horder, that chip damage really can add up immensly.

Now I am not knocking other fighters, but I feel SFIV is too technical, UMVC3 is quite unbalanced, Tekken brings the phrase of techincal to stupid levels, and SFxT is just $h!t.


Skarlet who ?
Lol? TAC infinites, unblockables, Zero's incoming mixup instakill shenanigans, Morridoom, etc, etc.
TAC Infinites are available to lots of characters. Besides, you can still be countered if opponent guesses direction. Now how many characters in MK9 have Cyrax-like resets ? Right. Morridoom isn't broken. It's all the skill of Chris G. Unblockables have to be set up, and if you fail, you're dead.
my problem with mk9 since day one: its a fun and nice fg, but its too exaggerate, at all!
its kinda funny to talk about "fundamentals" in mk9.


JWong @ Toryuken. 'nuff said.

1 frame links and being able to beat your opponent just by jumping over him to fuck up his blocking input doesn't make a skill-heavy game; it just makes for a frustrating one. You can see those that have horrible fundamentals and where they place in every tourney.


MK fundamentals:

Use long-ranged/fast normal

Counter-measure: d3

Counter-measure to counter-measure: bait d3 and whiff punish

counter-measure to counter-measure to counter-measure: use long ranged/fast normal

Or something like that.


Jesus christ (not Chris G) it takes fundamentals to play any fighting game at a high level regardless of what it is, I love how every fg community hates one another and their reasoning is fundamentals. I guess with no respect comes more hype in a game like injustice. Technically injustice is a new fg community= mk fans and dc comic fans which could be anybody from any other community--> I guess this is where the prob lies, other communities dont like to play well with the mk community. Segregation ended a long time ago, stop the hate.


People think marvel players are going to dominate injustice because of the way the button inputs work.

The "fundamentals" of every game are different. AE has ambiguous cross over jumps, unblockables, and is JAM PACKED with frame traps and safe jumps. AA in that game is fundamentally based on which direction to block in the situation of a safe jump, or mashing your stupid easy gigantic hitbox mindless AA DP.

MK's defense of jump ins and cross overs requires much better timing and spacing, and is based on which direction you are going to ATTACK, not which direction you are going to block. Therse same peopel who always claim that other fighters have better fundamentals are the same ones who claim that MK "doesn't have cross ups." Why would you even take someone seriously who obviously has no clue what they're talking about? Because you are punished with chip damage for just blocking frame traps in MK, but normals do no chip in AE, your methods for defending them MUST be fundamentally different from game to game.

I just laugh at peopel when they say things like "Marvel players have better fundamentals" or "SF4 players have better fundamentals." No... They are better at their game, but they get BLOWN THE FUCK UP in MK. Our local scene has a couple guys that win every single AE tournament. One was top 8 at FF, one guy actually won MvC3 at FF a couple yeare ago. Guess how they do at MK.

They don't have better fundamentals. They have different fundamentals because fundamentals of the games are different. It's not that complicated.

If AE or Marvel players end up hating a game, they start claiming things like, "that game doesn't have any fighting game fundamentals," when what they really mean is "I don't like it because it's different than what I'm good at."

If MK players end up being the top injustice players, other FGCs will just flame the game for being stupid.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
i'd say that 45% of the MK players do NOT have good fundamentals in this game.... because the training is awful, they don't have a local scene, and have to play online.

So yeah.... i'd say yes to our players not having "good" fundamentals.

I'd also point out that probably 80% of our tourney players DO have good fundamentals.... and sometimes win solely on them and not MU experience.


i'd say that 45% of the MK players do NOT have good fundamentals in this game.... because the training is awful, they don't have a local scene, and have to play online.

So yeah.... i'd say yes to our players not having "good" fundamentals.

I'd also point out that probably 80% of our tourney players DO have good fundamentals.... and sometimes win solely on them and not MU experience.
I think its a slap in the face to mk tourney winners and high placers when people say the community has no fundamentals, I will also agree that players like me dont have the best fundamentals because of no offline scene and online is garbage so I dont even count that as an option.


Mk players can have below avg fundamentals but still beast. Pretty much what playal said is all u need plus a super character who already gives u the tools u need


kung lao swag walker
I have played multiple fighters, and Mk9 is easily one of the hardest to be good at, and be consistent with. At the beginning of our games life stuff changed for us every three months. We didn't even know what was safe or unsafe. Yet we still found out most of this within the first month , or so and we came out with viable tech on just conjecture. We figured out our characters, and how they should be played and frame traps without frame data as well. If you ask me this community has had to deal with alot on it's own. We don't lack fundamentals we literally had to gain them throughout our lifespan in order to play well.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Mk players can have below avg fundamentals but still beast. Pretty much what playal said is all u need plus a super character who already gives u the tools u need
Then explain why there are only 2-3 players of each "super" character at the very best even making top 8 on a consistent basis at majors?

Newsflash, a good character only gets you so far.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Then explain why there are only 2-3 players of each "super" character at the very best even making top 8 on a consistent basis at majors?

Newsflash, a good character only gets you so far.
This is more a numbers game .... i mean... there are only like 60 people showing up... and not all 60 are using 4 characters......
BTW.... once a tourney gets to over 60 people..... top 16 is probably a better indicator or character dominance. (totally my opinion).

That argument is kind of thin. You should be looking more at percentages.
But in any case your last statement is right.


My mom tells me I'm pretty
he literally came up with a bunch of tech for the game and was VERY well known for it all, as well as being a good player
He was the best Iron Man in the world and top 10 in the world for Marvel 2. He wasn't just a good player.


Though I am just now easing my way into the more competetive side of MK and other FGs, I have played SFIV and TTT2 a bit before just coming back to my comfort zone of MK. What has always made me enjoy MK9 above all is the easy execution factor, I have no issues with moves that require QCF or QCB and what not to execute a move, but I do not enjoy a charge moves, to me they are annnoying to pull off. Not to mention some of Capcoms fighters are just broken in many many ways, such as SFxT, which when reading the rules of the game in a tournament proves its broken, not to mention their insane money making scheme with on disc DLC, anyhow thats a story for another day. MK to me has always felt to have the most balance I've seen in a FG and as far fundementals go yes I feel that MK just has different fundamentals than SF or other fighters have. Also blocking in MK IMO is more stratigic and tacticle to execute, instead of just holding back all the time one has to trully learn to read their opponent and know exactly when to hit that block button, not to mention that your are severly punished for being such a block horder, that chip damage really can add up immensly.

Now I am not knocking other fighters, but I feel SFIV is too technical, UMVC3 is quite unbalanced, Tekken brings the phrase of techincal to stupid levels, and SFxT is just $h!t.
I'll throw my 10 cents in here, iam an old player as some people know =) i've been playing fighting games since i was maybe 2 years old? way before some of them even existed.
I was a street fighter champion, specially hyper fighting, street fighter was a game where you really needed execution and time your moves precisely, now you can buffer moves and skip directions to do everything, even on wakeup moves can be buffered and its a guess if you should block that DP or just bait it.
Mortal kombat requires way more skills and and fundamentals per say, due that just holding the block button when it matters you will avoid being hit or comboed, on street fighter or any other game blocking back, you can be walking back freely and not worried about fast advancing moves, this makes footsies a litle braindead since the computer will block automatically when it requires to block, also you can block and tap normals for when the computer gets you out of blockstunt attacks will hit your opponents without you worrying releasing back blocking =/, also on SF4 knocdowns become a guessing game, even out of throws you have enough time to get your opponents to guess your jumps, safe jumps, cross ups, safe jumps sweep, jumps can be so tricky and mindfucking, on mk you dont have these kind of craps, also AE has a guaranteed ultra move per round while you getting hit, come back factor is ridiculous cause of guess and free ultras, a lot of top players lose on this game cause of the guessing factor not for really being outplayed. there is so much more i could add but its too much really and don't wanna go over it all.
MK players do really have more fundamentals or at least the game requires you to.