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Tech - Ronin Different types of Blade Kall Launchers


From Takeda to Robin
As I might of hinted from my combo thread earlier, there are different ways to get your opponent in the air with the Blade Kall special move (DB1 twice). Here is a video showing most of the launchers I have found with this move.
The First launcher is obviously the best because it sends your opponent flying and you can convert into a NJP, however it is really tricky to land the correct spacing for it. As you can see in the video it hits the opponent twice, and it is placed about a D3 range behind the opponent.

The Second Launcher seems like it doesn't do much as it only hits once and doesn't really seem to send the opponent high enough in the air.

The Third one is another double hitter like the first and I can convert off of that with a D1, however this time I placed the blade around the front of Sub-Zero's foot to get this to happen.

The Fourth hits 3 times and it seems like I can't get any conversion off of it. The placement of the blade can go from directly in the middle of Sub-Zero's feet to a D1 range behind his back foot.

The Fifth is another launcher that hit's only once, and I am able to get damage off of this by converting with D1. and the placement for this is past the Range of the placement for the first launcher.

Here is the Sixth one that I failed to show in the video above. It hits twice and I can get several conversions of off this one. The placement for this is between the First and Fifth placements.

Moving after you place the blade won't change what launcher you will get. Different hurtboxes just have slightly different ranges for each launcher sometimes.