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Dexter the greatest show ever... Now the worst...

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
I heard some of the writers left after Season 4, so that's probably part of the problem. Also, whenever the lead actor becomes a producer/writer/director/etc, things are bound to go bad. That's why we have dropped plotlines like the Dex/Deb love thing.

Either way, the series lost its luster for me once Dexter stopped being a Psychopath. I loved how he was his own unique person, who just pretended to be normal in order to blend it. It was something he practiced. Now he has all these feelings and blah blah, he gets all emotional all the time, he has a hundred different love interests, he's swearing constantly, and whathaveyou. He's just not Dexter anymore. He's just some dude who likes to kill the occasional bad guy every season or so, and we spend the rest of the time watching retarded side stories and love triangles. Oh well. At least there's Breaking Bad. For three more episodes.


How can they screw up one of the greatest shows of all time? This season has been horrible. Dexter has not killed anyone for two fricken seasons other than with a curtain rod??? Wtf

Actually, this is one the best things they could have done with the show. It may be true that Dexter is not killing as frequent as he use to but the purpose of that is to show the evolution of Dexter's character. From a psychopathic emotionless killer, to a normal family man willing to protect those he loves. He can't take pleasure in killing his victims anymore because the pressure is building up against him. Let's be honest, if the show kept the same formula as previous seasons, it would get stale very fast and would not be the best way to end the series. Show has got some pretty good twists I must admit.

One thing frustrated me is when they build up Zack Hamilton's character as the pupil of Dexter and posing as a good role in the show. But then suddenly, they kill him off right after the sex scene with Hannah McKay. Wtf! I know it's a cliche to have a character such as Zack to give the hint of a spinoff, but cmon!


Scary Bat
This show should have died many moons ago.

I love it, a whole bunch, but my god has it dragged on and on...


"Cheap Grubber"
I see this all of the time on IMDb, but I don't have my account at the level where you can reply on the message boards, so it brings me great satisfaction to say... WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD?!

I see so much hate for nearly everything on IMDb, and I question how many fans the show actually has. I haven't seen any of Season 8 but I've seen season 1-7, and I think it's all good.

Honestly, Dexter, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Homeland, etc. etc. I just don't understand. Even Breaking Bad which everyone loves has a few haters on IMDb.

I love Dexter, all seasons.

And it's definitely not even close to being one of the worst shows.



I get legitimately angry when I watch one of the new episodes, I still find it entertaining but it makes me furious how a show that was so good turned out like this. Those scenes with hannah/harrison/dexter are extremely cringeworthy and every big "event" this season has been so predictable


Actually, this is one the best things they could have done with the show. It may be true that Dexter is not killing as frequent as he use to but the purpose of that is to show the evolution of Dexter's character. From a psychopathic emotionless killer, to a normal family man willing to protect those he loves. He can't take pleasure in killing his victims anymore because the pressure is building up against him. Let's be honest, if the show kept the same formula as previous seasons, it would get stale very fast and would not be the best way to end the series. Show has got some pretty good twists I must admit.

One thing frustrated me is when they build up Zack Hamilton's character as the pupil of Dexter and posing as a good role in the show. But then suddenly, they kill him off right after the sex scene with Hannah McKay. Wtf! I know it's a cliche to have a character such as Zack to give the hint of a spinoff, but cmon!

^^ This is what i was going to come in here and say.
The show is now the evolution of dexter as a whole.
Sure he started out as something, that drew us all in and kept us wanting to watch. But the way the show is going, you can actually believe dexter could stop killing. In the end isnt that what we all want for him? For him to be able to just breathe ? I know that we like to see him fuck some shit up every now and again but he is developing emotions and this development is actually really interesting to watch. To be able to see someone go from feeling nothing, to be able to actually have emotions now. It is quite a breakthrough if you ask me.

John lithgow dance was gdlk btw.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I don't know, I love characters (especially main) that are calm but are or could go batshit insane. It was the main reason why I loved Dexter so much. But now that it's all just lovey-dovey. It's just not "Dexter" anymore. Even Jeff Lindsay himself said that he doesn't care much for the show, he just pretends to himself that it's not the same Dexter that he created. Because THAT Dexter is still alive and well. Just not on screen.

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