You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Well, that explains a lot, then. Good to know.Backdash =the new d1 cp
Well, that explains a lot, then. Good to know.Backdash =the new d1 cp
good to know for batgirls especiallyWell, that explains a lot, then. Good to know.
lol if you think Black Adam's d1 xx Orbs only leads to 18% then you have another thing coming.Thats what I'm talking about, you'll have to do D1 shocker every single time, why would I want to respect any of your D1 options when mine lead to 40% and a vortex, and all yours does it 18%?
Perhaps it can be explicitly added that back dashing to avoid a string gives opportunity for a free combo punish? @GGA Slipsone thing I'd like to add about dashing. Dashing backwards is a great tool for many characters. There are invulnerability frames during a backdash and, if timed correctly, you will be able to avoid various attacks (even unblockable interactables!).
Some players can punish backdashes, especially by certain characters due to the long recovery. Some charaters cannot easily whiff punish anything after a backdash because they don't have the tools. Backdash is a great option for some chars, but it probably shouldn't be referred to as a catchall for neutral situations. D1 is often used simply as a check, to cancel into something, to bait things, etc.If you hit the opponent with a d1 because they were trying to string, then fine, i guess you will be over the moon with your advantage for a block string...but, if you simply made the same call with a dash back, you have a free wiff punish
Let's say we could time travel to 2014 and play ourselves. The 2014 version of these so called high level players would destroy the present version of themselves, therefore, they can't possibly be high level at this point in the game. Look at games like MK2 and UMK3. They are simplistic games, but they take years to master. Saying someone is playing Injustice at a high level after only 2 months is crazy to me.
is it because of the d1 bashing?This thread is shite
i think thats what inj needsand AK Pig Of The Hut i want to be a guest on this podcast, you need atleast one Dominican on thereyou could do it kinda like the obs show, invite guest about a certain topic, if you guys make something like the viability of mid to low tier characters, me and brady can continue our argument from ect5 on why the flash sucks
and reo can chip in how he was doing just trolling the shit out of tom haha
you could do it man, you always bring the hype and keep it a real nigga!!!!! lol get people on skype and do it live on twitch, or a podcast, or even a KOTH with all the players you want in there in the background, fighting and talking about whatever. nd you can have the voice chat through skype for better quality.i think thats what inj needs
a show like ktp or something
This is tym dude..........this is what we doAfter reading all 4 pages of this thread of mostly E-Penis worship, I can say that it's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too early to consider anything at the moment "High Level". The game isn't even 2 Months old yet and you have people who say that just because you helped test the game in development, you're a "High Level" player. Give it some time. Everyone can be a "High Level" player in Injustice right now, regardless of if you abuse D1 or not.
Calm your tits and just play the game for fucks sake. Why does it matter that we need to label everything as "High Level"?
Most d1s are negative enough on block that the other person would dare not do a d1. Characters like GL and Superman can fuck you up for thinking about pressing d1 again.