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Dear NRS: Please increase the ratio of Soul Crystals in the next MK11 Patch. Thank You.


Agent of Chaosrealm
We know, NRS. We know. We cannot be satisfied, no matter what. Your employees are on the verge of physical and mental exhaustion.

As MK11 players who have grinded non-stop for the past 7 days, we can sympathize.

But this isn't just about us. Or about NRS. Or Warner. Or the employees. Or the Soul Crystals.

It's about Noob Saibot.

Yes, Noob Saibot. He's been AI controlled across the entire globe, 24/7 for Towers of Time challenges. His digital consciousness is being distributed amongst millions of consoles and PCs in an attempt to defeat online challenges we cannot. So that we may farm soul crystals. He's been doing this ever since we got the game and it needs to stop. He needs a break. He's evil, yes. He's former Lin Kuei, yes. But there are limits to the strain an undead fictional ninja assassin can be put through.

So, please, NRS. Patch the game to give us more soul crystals.

For Noob, if nothing else.