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Dealing with interactables

The unblockable ones specifically. It's usually an issue with power characters getting you on wakeup or just whenever they are in range of them. I've been in practice mode for an hour or so and cant find a reliable way to deal with them.


I would suggest trying a MB f3_b3 as the armor will let you power through the interactable. You can dash cancel the move as well and go for an actual punish.

Though, frankly I find interactables very hard to deal with, and treat them like corners in traditional 2D fighters. You literally fight for control over the interactables, and the primary way to deal with them is to make sure YOU get to use them first instead of the opponent.


PSN: SoaD_009
Interactables piss me off, even when I'm the one throwing them in my opponents face. Some people claim they are very skillful and create "mindgames". Oh please, there are no "mindgames" when I do a combo to carry my opponent half way across the screen and there is a perfectly placed interactable for me throw in his face as he is getting up for a nice 20% unblockable damage. It was all luck. Take the watchtower level. The interactables are moving around all the time and it is all luck when you get to use one or have one used on you. Mark my words, before it is all said and done interactables will be disabled in tournaments.


some interactables seem to be unavoidable. for instance the car at wayne manor. it goes full screen -.- and o i dont want to meterburn through it. (a) i waste meter, (b) i still get some damage. I NEED TO FIND A WAY TO AVOID IT. HELP!
as for the watchtower stuff you can jump over them it just requires weird timing.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
LOL.. Week 1 = *cry* Deathstroke to strong *cry*........ *cry* omg how do i stop Doomsday *cry*......... *cry* Interactables are OP *cry*.... Whats next? I feel like the site got over run by salty vaginas and I really hope you guys level up soon so you can stop crying about every little thing.


i'm not saying it's op. i'm saying there's probably a way to avoid it and am looking for it.

EDIT: ok so apparently there's a deadzone at the car if you stand at point blank range.


If you can't get to it first. Don't want to take any damage. And want to avoid it while out of position to do so...

The only option I can think of is a well timed back dash, though that feels like a small window for most interactables.


All backdashes have a window of invulnerability. Properly timed this window of invulnerability should/can let you "dodge" a direct hit from an interactable.

I have not tested all interactables, just have had it work in matches here and there, so there may be some which cannot be avoided this way.