All the satire is gone. What made the original great is not present. Watered down violence, no equivalent of Clarence Boddicker...
Honestly, I do get it. I understand that it's a reboot, not a remake. But the intensity and emotion this film looks to have is bordering on Robocop 3 or Underworld levels. Oldman and Jackson are not enough to justify my ticket - they look like they're just phoning their performances in.
I don't even mind the changes to Murphy's backstory. If they made the carbomb death as gruesome as the original firing squad, I'd be excited. But, it's just a generic looking explosion. They could do a Death Proof-style renactment, but it wouldn't make me feel anything.
Then there's the emphasis on family. It's always gotta be about the family with American filmmakers. There can't be true sadness anymore. Losing his family (or, access to his family) is part of what drove us to love the original.
Fuck this R-rating crap. Give me an NC-17 retelling with actual consequences shown.