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D-Town Beatdown Results


My blades will find your heart
Another Texas local with fierce competition. Unfortunately there was no MK or Killer Instinct tournament, but here are the Injustice results:

1: KH Starcharger(Catwoman)
2: Silent(Black Adam)
3: Greguu(WW)
4: NRF Zoidberg747(Raven)
5: Ofidyan(GL)
5: Mr Fif(GL)
Disclaimer: Due to byes and no shows I am not 100% on these last four places, will update if needed
7: Dark55(DS, Lobo, CW)
7: VoiceofKane(CW, KF)
9: M Betty(DNS)
9: Laslow Jr.(DNS)

Thanks to the TOs for running it smoothly and thanks to all who came out. Be sure to come to Bar Fights on March 22nd!


Mouth of the Illuminati
I made a mistake in choosing tournaments. Kombat Houston didn't show and there was no tournament lol.