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cyrax meterless BnBs


EX smash solves all
im fairly sure these have been discovered before but here are his bnb arranged from least damaging to most. also if the is a (*) symbol in front means the combo can get an extra %1 by starting with a 2,1 and not 1,2 but the 1 is faster than 2 and therefore easier to pull off. non of these involve pre laid bombs

25% 1,2 net, jip 2, 1 , 2

30% * (impractical) 1, 2 net, jip b+2 >> 2, 1, >> 1, 2, 1 Anti-air (also can land ragdoll for %1 extra but timing is a lot harder)

29% * (best damage for ease to pull off) 1, 2 net, jip, 1,2,1 ragdoll

31% * (next best one to learn) 1, 2, net, njp, >> b+2 >> 2,1 >> 1,2,1

32% * (highest damage) 1, 2, net, njp, >> b + 2 >> 1, 2, 1 ragdoll

if you have posted one of these tell me i wasnt really sure i just havent seen many cyrax meterless BnBs that dont involve pre laid bombs

EDIT: add jip after the net before b + 2 on combo #2 for 2% extra and the %1 extra for 2,1 instead of 1,2 therefore applies


1st combo: remember that 2,1,2 can be interrupted b4 the last hit
2nd: not impractical, just have to practice it more but can be done consistently (unless you refer to online in which case idk)
4th: can be finished with a midbomb for pressure
3rd 4th & 5th: these are all fine... remember that depending on which special you finish the combo with you get different positioning and advantage... both are usually more important than damage. A ragdoll + throw finisher is the most damaging but ends with the opp at neutral and across the screen which can be good for example against Cage but very bad against Kitana... for her youre better off with something like 1, 2, net, njp, >> b+2 >> 2,1 >> 3,3 saw, midbomb or far bomb


EX smash solves all
yeah i use the 4th one because its reliable when learned and you can throw a close/mid bomb for pressure


"More stealthful than the night"
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21~net, njp, b2, 21, 121 medium bomb bout 35% i think, and gives best setup


Garbage, bro
Meh, I just do 2-1-Net, dash back, jump in punch-1-2-1-ragdoll-ragdoll throw

really easy, and does decent damage. I just haven't bothered to try other things lol


I need a combo that is meterless AFTER they are caught in a net. So far, what I have is NJP, B2, 121, Anti-air for about 26%. Does anyone know a better combo that does 30%+?


I need a combo that is meterless AFTER they are caught in a net. So far, what I have is NJP, B2, 121, Anti-air for about 26%. Does anyone know a better combo that does 30%+?
I don't know of a combo that does 30% off an AA net (sz doesn't have one for freeze, kabal doesn't have one for nomad dash). I would recommend using njp, B2, 21, 121. It does the same damage, but you can link in a bomb to setup for bomb trap, or teleport for good wake up pressure. Alternatively, you can do another net anytime during this string to reset. Does the same damage whether the opponent is airborne or grounded. Does 32% if you do 21 net and 34% if you catch them with a bomb.


The Saltan of Salt
I need a combo that is meterless AFTER they are caught in a net. So far, what I have is NJP, B2, 121, Anti-air for about 26%. Does anyone know a better combo that does 30%+?
May be wrong, but.

NJP, B2, 21, 121Med Bomb is your best option.


Put down the controller and run!
Here's a new no meter opton, pretty hard to get out of but not guaranteed...

There is similar and better one......if you cach someone with njp. dash b2 dash 33net teleport mid bomb(timinng) 22(bomb cachs them) njp dash b2 dash 121 df1..............very good damage and not easy to escape......that one probably is the highest reset without ex bomb..


Put down the controller and run!
I need a combo that is meterless AFTER they are caught in a net. So far, what I have is NJP, B2, 121, Anti-air for about 26%. Does anyone know a better combo that does 30%+?
Go for reset then..............take the risk and you can get lucky...................


Put down the controller and run!
I need a combo that is meterless AFTER they are caught in a net. So far, what I have is NJP, B2, 121, Anti-air for about 26%. Does anyone know a better combo that does 30%+?
Why you are not finishing the combo with 121 mid bomb and delay the net so you have chance for reset...........anti-air is not the best option...........If you have a bar to spend, then you can do ex saw after the mid bomb, cause most of the players will delay the jump cause they are expecting a net after the bomb and you get reset(you cant get punished.You can block on time).


Why you are not finishing the combo with 121 mid bomb and delay the net so you have chance for reset...........anti-air is not the best option...........If you have a bar to spend, then you can do ex saw after the mid bomb, cause most of the players will delay the jump cause they are expecting a net after the bomb and you get reset(you cant get punished.You can block on time).
Thanks for the advice. I'll try this out.


Why you are not finishing the combo with 121 mid bomb and delay the net so you have chance for reset...........anti-air is not the best option...........If you have a bar to spend, then you can do ex saw after the mid bomb, cause most of the players will delay the jump cause they are expecting a net after the bomb and you get reset(you cant get punished.You can block on time).
I think the best option is to move forward after the midbomb ender to either bait a wakeup or pressure with jabs and CG. If you throw a net you can be punished by a large protion of the cast on reaction with teleports, and dash blocking correctly will get them out of the bomb range in time to block your net / Exsaw and will cost you the advantage.


Here are some combos I got in the lab.

Midscreen: 21 net, jip B2, njp, 21, 121 anti-air 34%

corner: 21 net, njp, njp, B2, 21, 121 net reset 34%. Replace net reset with buzzsaw for 36%. Better to go for reset though.

I don't really like the corner combo though, so if anyone has any better ones please post.