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Cyrax fatality ideas for future games

Fatality 1
Cyrax shoots his net which covers the victim, the victim struggles to get free, the more he struggles the tighter it gets till it rips him to shreds I call this fatality net ripper

Fatality 2
Cyrax initiates the self destruct sequence the foe sees him counting down and runs away only for Cyrax to teleport to them and hug them tightly both explode I call this fatality teleporting self destruct

Groove Heaven

Fatality 1
Cyrax catches his enemy in a net, then shoots a bomb. He shoots a second net, and the opponent is instantly released but gets hit with the bomb for a reset

Fatality 2
Cyrax command grabs his opponent except he uses his saw hands instead of his hand hands.


Miley Cyrax®
...something... involving... pee...

c'mon, he's yellow! it's about damn time they do something color-related!

if Primal Rage can do it with a giant monkey, MK can do it with a ninja cyborg.