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Guide - Cutthroat Cutthroat Kano Combo Setups (Updated 4.05.15)

,Hi all guys. //Updated 4.05.2015//
So the thread received some love , so here is my respond :) I shall update all combos below , with their better variations and I shall talk some about positioning and how to "get IN - close range".
From now on this thread is only for average and above players. I shall explain only the important things.

Kano has 3 good combo starters:
- F212 (mid, -8 on block - solution on block -> backdash)
- B121 (overhead , 0 on block , problem - need to be right next to the opponent or misses)
- B312 ( low , -7 on block - solution on block -> backdash)

(Setup combos are not the most high damage combos, because they have for main purpose to set your opponent on certain frames disadvantage. The setups I am about to write about are for aggressive style of play.)

As you shall see all combos finishes with B121. The meaning of this is because Kano has only 2 moves that set your opponent on the ground in a way the foe cannot roll. B121 and B4. B4 is too hard and slow to connect in a bigger combo so we left only B121.
!!! All B121 combo finishers can be performed in 2 ways , first ( the easiest online is: just make a step forward ( not running ) and than go for B121. Second is with run cancel.

Combo 1:
- F212 , (Run Cancel) B121 - meterless combo for around 22% dmg.
- F212 , 4 or (F4) , EX Knife , (Run Cancel) B121 , DASH , (Any combo starter) (30-32%)

Combo 2:
- B121 , DASH , (Any combo starters)
- B121 , EX Knife , (Run Cancel) , B121 , DASH , (Any combo starter) (27%)

Combo 3:
- B31 , EX KNIFE , U2 , (Run Cancel) , B121 , DASH (Any combo starter) (30-32%)

Here are some universals that you should keep always on mind. Following them shall greatly increase your winning chances , because it will help you to set the game in a direction you want.
1. All combos can be finished with B121 , DD3 ( to buff yourself ) ,Dash, ( Anycombo starter).
2. All combos are specially designed to end your opponent in NOT REAL disadvantage. But this is on purpose and the only one knowing it is you. Because here probably you shall think why the hell to use them. There is a very tiny frame trick. If you are playing the combos correctly , you shall BLOCK all EX wake up attacks and in the same time if your opponent do not do them you shall continue your rush down. To put it simple , there is no more place to worry about if your opponent shall make ex wake up attack or not. Still it is not very easy to be done correctly. So I suggest you to do this:
- If your opponent have EX bar do this. Here is an example with combo 1.
F212 , 4 or (F4) , EX Knife , (Run Cancel) B121 , DASH , (While dashing you hold Back. This will prevent you from start running.) , Hold Block , Until you see how Kano actually makes the block on the screen. The moment you see it go for the combo. This way you should block any ex wake up attacks and still be in advantage.
(This trick is on professional level)
- If your opponent do not have EX bar , go for regular combos without holding block. It shall be okey.
3. When there are like 3/4 screen between both of you , go for this:
- Throw Knife , 1xDash or (Run cancel) , F4 , DB1 or throw knife , Run cancel , Combo starter.
- After F4 , DB1 or knife you can loop in D4 , Throw knife , which can loop again in F4......
4. Always start the round with F4 ( In like 95% of the matches you shall apply the first hit)

This is the video thread of the old combos that are for novice players. When I have time I shall record the new ones.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

So these are the general setups which gives you advantage once you managed to land a hit on your opponent. Remmember that the setups are not 100% guaranteed , but they create enough pressure and flow the game in a direction you want , WHICH IS UTLRA IMPORTANT.
I hope I help a lot with this little GUIDE.
Have fun, mates.
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'The Cage Mage'
Don't forget about tech rolls, dude. Anything that isn't a hard knockdown set up, they can just roll out of. I tried some of this stuff online a few days back, and if they tech roll, you're left there swinging your arms at the air.
Don't forget about tech rolls, dude. Anything that isn't a hard knockdown set up, they can just roll out of. I tried some of this stuff online a few days back, and if they tech roll, you're left there swinging your arms at the air.
1. They cant roll it in the corner , cuz they got hit.
2. F212 - with a little delay counters roll.
3, B4 - counters roll
It is true that hard knockdown setups are better , because the opponent cant roll, BUT they are like 3 times harder than the normal ones.
The setups here have different idea. Because of the Ball finisher or 2F4 finisher - your opponent goes in the corner. The rolling in the corner is meaningless , because these setups counters it (test fielded).
It is true that sometimes you get caught by this rolling trick , but you never have guaranteed outcome anyway.

Here is an example for HardKnock down setup:
- F212 , Dash *Run Cancel* -> B121 , Dash , combo1-3 . I hardly doubt that many players can execute properly this one in Online match.
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