Goro Lives
If the opponent dashes into crouch block, then give him what ever money you have in your wallet, because it will be an amazing read...
Same scenario with teleporting opponents, they can predict the Xray and chance that you will activate, or get it wrong and be fully punished for it. Either way, the burden is on the opponent and they are forced to react and cannot just disregard the bombs anymore and only gives us something more to fear from CSZ, full screen.
The same can be said for any X-Ray, take Cages ''what if the opponent doesn't hit me when I activate ?'' well, you guessed wrong, and the opponent called your bluff.
There, that's why I posted that. Now the tech is complete having considered all scenarios.Infact, it won't protect him from everything...
Eventually this will become conditioning, the opponent will be forced to dash in crouch block. A jump forward into :en Dive kick will hit the opponent overhead, and if the dash into crouch block was at all late, then into the bomb, a standing block will also push the opponent back into them bomb regardless from the :en dive kick.
If the opponent walks backwards at all, then the late dash forward in crouch block will be futile, the bomb will still hit, as they won't be out of the blast radius. They will have to immediately do it and put themselves in risk of being :en dive kicked into the same scenario.