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Creating a Video Series to help People get a general understanding of the characters they wanna play


hey guys the name Neal and i'm startng a series of videos for Injustice Gods Among Us in which people can choose what characters they would like to see me play as, so they can get a visual understanding of how to play the character they love. For starters i'm far from a "noob" lol i'm a great at street fighter games, was a great mortal kombat player, entered in tournies and all that good stuff. I just wanna help ppl out if they're trying to learn a character and they need somewhere to start from and have no idea where to begin. i have a great understanding of all the characters thx to playing all builds of the game with lots of labbing and just basic & advanced knowledge of the mechanics etc. If, you have time check it out. Below is my first video, featuring Doomsday, the game was a little laggy but u can get a general understand. Next will be Lex Luthor, i will also be making tutorial vids in the future. Hope ppl will check it out later. :)



King of the Jobbers 2015
I want to be that guy nobody likes.

I didn't get your video. It didn't really give me a higher understanding of the character, and you were doing some pretty mid-tier stuff.

No pressure, no optimized combos for both midscreen and corner after different strings, d1 after cross over? That GL player had no idea what he was doing lol



Appreciate the intention though, but a commentary would've been nice.


I want to be that guy nobody likes.

I didn't get your video. It didn't really give me a higher understanding of the character, and you were doing some pretty mid-tier stuff.

No pressure, no optimized combos for both midscreen and corner after different strings, d1 after cross over? That GL player had no idea what to do lol


It's a nice introduction for newer players, even if a few things are misinformed. :) Baby steps, everybody learns. Good intentions y'know


Its was a little laggy so it was hard to really the things I wanted to do. I have better bids tho, I just wanna gets someone who has trouble a lil start :)
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