hey guys the name Neal and i'm startng a series of videos for Injustice Gods Among Us in which people can choose what characters they would like to see me play as, so they can get a visual understanding of how to play the character they love. For starters i'm far from a "noob" lol i'm a great at street fighter games, was a great mortal kombat player, entered in tournies and all that good stuff. I just wanna help ppl out if they're trying to learn a character and they need somewhere to start from and have no idea where to begin. i have a great understanding of all the characters thx to playing all builds of the game with lots of labbing and just basic & advanced knowledge of the mechanics etc. If, you have time check it out. Below is my first video, featuring Doomsday, the game was a little laggy but u can get a general understand. Next will be Lex Luthor, i will also be making tutorial vids in the future. Hope ppl will check it out later.