Midjourney AI, it's 100% free and you can generate as much as you want: https://www.imagine.art/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwwISlBhD6ARIsAESAmp5BmFMnt5DL7TXv9pEODEfJE63-T6yWjod4DbgMYjkG5evYf4_LkQYaAp8-EALw_wcB
Make sure to be specific with your prompts, I had to write "cassie cage sides shaved undercut green aviators" for the one you see down here.
Also change the settings on the right if you get weird stuff that doesn't look human:
It'll be fun to see the cool designs the AI can come up with.
Make sure to be specific with your prompts, I had to write "cassie cage sides shaved undercut green aviators" for the one you see down here.
Also change the settings on the right if you get weird stuff that doesn't look human:
It'll be fun to see the cool designs the AI can come up with.
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