While we're on scrub questions, can someone thoroughly exsplain what fuzzy guarding is.
How to do it
What you can do it against
It's just switching your high or low block by letting go of down, or tapping down. As an example, if kung lao is pressuring you, you can hold block and crouch in case he goes for any of the quick lows, including if he ends with a low hat, you are covered for all his low options, then if he goes for an overhead you just let go of crouch while still holding block, you will have fuzzy guarded his overhead. Mileena has a good low starter into overhead ex roll, but also has an overhead u4 she can start things with, so people hold crouch block to make sure the first quick low hit is blocked, but then let go of crouch for the second hit in case she rolls. If she goes for the u4 overhead, then they just release down but still hold block so that they block the overhead. Same goes for Zod pressure. You can hold crouch block in case he goes for his f2 low starter, or low laser, but then release low when you think he is going for the overhead.