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Could the MK community raise the money for a new patch?

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The Longbow Hunter.
I'm making this thread for serious discussion. I hope people will respond with an open mind. By now all of us must understand that our community holds. Without the players and the community as a whole supporting this game, not only me but the majority of us doubted a third EVO showing. But MK once again managed to do it. This was all thanks to the MK community as a whole. It was you guys attending tourneys and travelling the country, holding online tourneys etc. that kept and is keeping MK where it is. My question now is, is it possible for the MK community to do one more thing for the game we love and raise the money for one more patch. Now there are to points of discussion on this.
1: Would a new patch be needed and is it even wanted by the majority of the community?

2: If this can be done, how and what is needed for us to accomplish such a feat?

1: I believe a new patch would really be welcome for MK. Some things need to be fixed. I will not put my opninions in detail but some things need to be fixed.

2: I think it can be done. I dont have the means to round up the community to do this on my own neither do I have the knowledge on how to do it. I just got this idea and maybe it can spark something within this community. I saw on youtube how indie game developers raised millions of dollars for funding for developing their game using a website which name escapes me at the moment (I will post the link as soon as I find it). It was a surprise even for them. I believe the 50.000 dollars needed can be achieved.

I'm just a voice now. But this could end up in a new patch if it reaches the right people. Capcom boys did it with AE 2012. We can do it too!

Please discuss and spread the idea.

Good day to all.

What I really meant to discuss is not that we are going to carry the money burden on our own or that it's our responsibility. I was thinking the community could influence NRS to use for example Kickstarter and raise the money that they need to make a patch happen. The developer Double Fine did it and they raised millions. MK has an extremely large fanbase. It wouldn't be solely the community raising the money but there are certainly people in our community that are in contact with NRS and can bring up this idea to them. If NRS backs a Kickstarter project I really believe it can be achieved with how large a fanbase MK has.​


Man of Tomorrow
It's 50,000 to put it on Live/PSN. You're not including the man-hours, resources, and all that other stuff. To patch this, or any other game, with game wide buffs and nerfs can easily go into the mid-six figures.


Again, people have no idea how much a patch costs. If many people in the community had that kind of money, they'd probably spend it on themselves to go to EVO.

This game is flawed, sure, but maybe it's about time we just accept that and enjoy it for what it is (and that's an awesome and successful game which will be at EVO for a third year).


Joker waiting room
the community has way better things to do than raise so much money for a patch

maybe NRS would actually bother patching this game considering the shit we had to go through during the 3d era and how much of a success the COMMUNITY forced the game to be?
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Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Completely unrealistic and absolutely should not be the community's responsibility.

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The Longbow Hunter.
What I really meant to discuss is not that we are going to carry the money burden on our own or that it's our responsibility. I was thinking the community could influence NRS to use for example Kickstarter and raise the money that they need to make a patch happen. The developer Double Fine did it and they raised millions. MK has an extremely large fanbase. It wouldn't be solely the community raising the money but there are certainly people in our community that are in contact with NRS and can bring up this idea to them. If NRS backs a Kickstarter project I really believe it can be achieved with how large a fanbase MK has.
I think it's unnecessary to put so much money into this because if the game gets patched again we'll just want another patch after it. I think the game is fine and we should just enjoy it for the fucking awesome game it is. You have like 20 characters out of 31 who are viable in tournaments which is very good imo, and no matter how many times you patch it there will always be a best character and a handful of characters better than the rest.
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The Longbow Hunter.
This stuff again? 4th time right?
I'm sorry for the repeating such a thread. But instead of focusing on a "What if?" thread i just tried to push in a direction that can turn out to be more than a "What if". Anybody in the community who has a good relation with any of the NRS guys that have some push could run the idea by. That is if the community really wants it. I do want a patch. Some people don't. If we really try and DO something about it we can get it. But if we just start out by saying "no it will never happen, it's not possible etc." than we already lost. I cannot support the idea of quitting on something before even trying. The sad part is that most of the negative people, who give up on every idea to improve our game, are the same ones who will cry about stuff being OP and broken. All opinions are welcome here, negative and positive, but hold true to your word. Btw I don't mean you Eddy, love your work on Skarlet.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I'm sorry for the repeating such a thread. But instead of focusing on a "What if?" thread i just tried to push in a direction that can turn out to be more than a "What if". Anybody in the community who has a good relation with any of the NRS guys that have some push could run the idea by. That is if the community really wants it. I do want a patch. Some people don't. If we really try and DO something about it we can get it. But if we just start out by saying "no it will never happen, it's not possible etc." than we already lost. I cannot support the idea of quitting on something before even trying. The sad part is that most of the negative people, who give up on every idea to improve our game, are the same ones who will cry about stuff being OP and broken. All opinions are welcome here, negative and positive, but hold true to your word. Btw I don't mean you Eddy, love your work on Skarlet.
i understand your point.
I was even willing to support the idea "in the past" but the members are so convinced that this will never happen no matter how much we try, that some of us ended up giving up the idea, if you look around there is a few patch donations thread and all of them ended up on the same way.

But i do understand their POV as well, MK enters 3 consecutive years at EVO it clearly an alert to NRS that this game deserves a patch, which would be a nice turnout as well to expand the game's life a little longer so we could let them alone while they secretly work on mk10.

But i know exactly where this road will go, the usual suspects will drop by and say this is a very bad idea and we will be back to the square one


Why don't you guys accept the game for what it is and deal with the fucked up shit in this game?
This game wouldn't have made evo a 3rd year if it was not a viable tournament game at its current state.
It would be so expensive, They will patch,
Mortal Kombat (PS3)
Mortal Kombat(Xbox360)
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The Longbow Hunter.
Why don't you guys accept the game for what it is and deal with the fucked up shit in this game?
This game wouldn't have made evo a 3rd year if it was not a viable tournament game at its current state.
Maaan. I love MK and I'm not saying it's not viable at all. I still believe it has some problems. Be honest Lulzlou wouldn't you be happier if they improved the game you love even more? If the majority dissagrees that a patch is needed I will hold it in my chest and continue playing eitherways. But I believe it can be improved and I want to rally a fight to make it happen. I know I'm a nobody here and things would be probably different if any top player would rally the community and let the community decide as a whole. I hope this can catch their ears and open their eyes.
Please give your valid reasons of a patch, and what should be changed.

Please be as detailed as possible, I'd like to know. Frame Data, moves, fixing, etc.

I don't think 80%of people know what they "want" in a patch, but cry patch. I don't know either.


Maaan. I love MK and I'm not saying it's not viable at all. I still believe it has some problems. Be honest Lulzlou wouldn't you be happier if they improved the game you love even more? If the majority dissagrees that a patch is needed I will hold it in my chest and continue playing eitherways. But I believe it can be improved and I want to rally a fight to make it happen. I know I'm a nobody here and things would be probably different if any top player would rally the community and let the community decide as a whole. I hope this can catch their ears and open their eyes.
Trust me, I would love the game to be fixed with the small problems it has. Doing a patch now can go either way. The only fear I have is the way they'll handle each character. Would they buff the lower tiers so they can compete with the rest of the cast or completely ruin characters in act of "balance"?

This isn't about you being a nobody or anything like that. I feel trying to patch the game is an easy way out most people want. There are a few people that actually believe they can overcome bad match ups, problems, etc. If most of the community was like that from the start then maybe we'd have a better game now. This generation of gaming is spoiled by patches and I feel like we should deal with it
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