The PantyChrist
Rest in Pantiez
What about certain ranges near the corner? Can he crossover j3 for the vortex?
Nerfs are like hidden buffs for the rest of the cast!Anything that doesn't nerf zatanna but nerfs (fixes) other characters makes me SO HAPPY.
So you think a safe normal should be punishable because you opted to spend a bar?It's still not worth it.
A bar and at least two trait shots. Not to mention, you couldn't even land the big combo on normals that gave alot of pushback after pushblock.So you think a safe normal should be punishable because you opted to spend a bar?
The 112 and f22 TA setups seem to still work.Can you test grounded 112 and f22 TA push blocks set ups?
Also what about ending juggle combos with 2xxTA (midscreen and corner) ?
Any difference between normals and specials?
Got damn this is terrible for cyborg haha
Still gives free interact ablei actually wanted to see sinestro's trait push block used in tournament. oh well(of course not used on me, but on some1 else to see the salt/hype)
You still get a free interact able setup 3xNo it requires two shots to set it up.
Cowboy don't you get a free interact able w it? Push block 4 shackles interact able? 3x??? For someone touching u?So let me get this straight. NRS takes time out of their day to nerf Sinestro, Lex, and Joker, but decide that the clearly dumb characters get to stay the same.
- Martian has a safe overhead teleport launcher, good zoning, ridiculous pressure, 4 way guessing games on knockdown and good damage. Sinestro needs nerfed.
-Aquaman has a move that chips for 17%, almost unmatched footsies, and the best AA in the game. Sinestro needs nerfed.
-Batman gets to do whatever he wants with bats, pressure you endlessly and still maintain a good zoning game. Sinestro needs nerfed.
Unreal. This character is a waste of time.
Also petty nice how you can get decent trait charge if you use your last shot with this. It's still pretty useful for Sinestro.You still get a free interact able setup 3x
Even if they changed it to where you can only trait shot after the push block animation is finished, you'd still be able to get the same interactable setup anyway. It's just the design of the character.You still get a free interact able setup 3x
Yeah, I was using this setup at least once a match. Maybe I'll just end with MB Probe instead and go for 50/50.This fucks up a very common Lex setup....
How do people not realize Sinestro's shit has a fundamental difference from Lex's/Joker's unblockable push block setups? Sinestro would have been capable a charging trait and LITERALLY doing nothing against ALL rushdown characters if he had the life lead and just wait for them to attack him so he can get 38% damage off of one bar and trait using a PUSHBLOCK. A tool that is meant to create space and stop offensive pressure, not give the defender guaranteed unblockable damage. At least Lex/Joker had to time their pushblock setups since the mine/teeth only stay there for a short period of time. I completely agree with taking this BS out of the game for Sinestro and the bola glitch btw, but Lex/Joker needed it. Pushblock setups weren't broken for them.How do people not realize that Sinestro's shit is pretty much the same as Lex's/Joker's unblockable push block setups? All of them take resources to do. People need to stop with this myth that it's a "free 38% combo/vortex setup if I block you." Two trait shots and one bar isn't free. What everyone is up in arms about is it's ease of use, but the reality is it's really not any different. Is it stupid? Of course! But no stupider than tons of other shit in the game that is still there.
How do people not realize that Sinestro's shit is pretty much the same as Lex's/Joker's unblockable push block setups? All of them take resources to do. People need to stop with this myth that it's a "free 38% combo/vortex setup if I block you." Two trait shots and one bar isn't free. What everyone is up in arms about is it's ease of use, but the reality is it's really not any different. Is it stupid? Of course! But no stupider than tons of other shit in the game that is still there.
STOP!!! your cries are ridiculous...My point is that they chose to focus on something like this rather than the characters who are fucked up by design.
No, no, no, no, no. All other push block setups require pre-commiting. You have to throw your shit around first before you think about push block. So if I am defending and I see Lex throwing a mine I hold my attack for a couple of seconds until it goes away. Same with joker, BA and the rest.How do people not realize that Sinestro's shit is pretty much the same as Lex's/Joker's unblockable push block setups? All of them take resources to do. People need to stop with this myth that it's a "free 38% combo/vortex setup if I block you." Two trait shots and one bar isn't free. What everyone is up in arms about is it's ease of use, but the reality is it's really not any different. Is it stupid? Of course! But no stupider than tons of other shit in the game that is still there.
Arrow infinites would cap at 40% anyway.EXACTLY! Nerf more of Arrow's strings please
Why are we conveniently overlooking the issues with the tech? You have to ALLOW someone to get close to you and potentially mix you up for this to work. Sinestro has a huge hitbox. Sinestro players taking a huge risk just to get you in a vortex? WHY? If I have trait out, I already had the advantage. I already have a mechanism to pressure you. I already have a mechanism to keep you out. Sinestro works for trait. Having it out is supposed to make him a better character. THAT is the mechanic and purpose of this trait. Having that advantage was earned.Do you really not see how unfair something like that is?
Pig....interactables aren't just laying around in every situation. You don't get a free interactable. You get interactables in certain instances. It's blanket statements like these that the community latches on to. We make it sound like Sinestro can pick up shit at will and just toss them. No. There's a character out there that CAN do that for free with his trait, but it's not Sinestro.Cowboy don't you get a free interact able w it? Push block 4 shackles interact able? 3x??? For someone touching u?
Glitches don't need to be evaluated. They need to be removed. Tier list be damned.The 2 trait shot variation is something that needed to be closely evaluated OVER TIME.