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Question - Kenshi Corner Smashing! without Specials.


I have a friend that loves to take you to the corner, and smashes you (the whole match if you let him) with a combination of overhead hits, low round kicks, high punches and low kicks.

I usually get away from it, and i know its cheap playing but i would love to return the favor. So i want to ask you, what is the best set of punches and kicks Kenshi has, to leave somebody stuck in the corner (Without using specials).

I use 4,4 strings, but they usually get away from it.,
Well this is my fun corner butt slapping:
Obviously it can be modified to put some more damage in ... but it's so funny :)))

F32RK NJP XX F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ....

In your case I would say 114 NJP F 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... should do the same trick but with less damage ....
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Try 3 xx dB4 . d4 xx dB4 or just straight dB4. But timing can be harsh as they can delay wakeup. Kenshi in balanced unfortunately doesn't have any high/mid to low strings or specials that hit low he can use to mix up... So it's hard to pressure your opponent in the corner the same way as your friend did to you.

But that said, I've sometimes managed to trick my opponent with doing a f4 (he blocks it) then going into b32 as a sort of frametrap, but I have yet to check if this is an actual viable frametrap...