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Constant Desyncs

The Slaj Jazz

TIckle my sweet salty nips
Whenever I play online, when I try to down+2 Anti air people I get constantly desynced from the game. Even when others d2 ME the game session gets desynced. This happened 4 times when I played Chrishaspads and around 6 - 8 times with Dislexsik

Has this happened to you and do you know how to fix it?


1 2 3 drink
It worked back after deleting cash so i guess its the same issue as the freezing thing. Too bad so many glitches hapen.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
Yea, it always does some random disconnecting around the time of patches.
thats my conclusion at least. Ive had that issue today in Mid Flash combo .__.
Last week this kept happening with me and a few others. But Injustice like MK's online sometimes goes on par with with a hypothetical "Their server has AIDS" . Sometimes you can't play anything for more than 5 minutes without a d/c. Sometimes you can't d2 otherwise DESCYNCH, you can't combo because "Lol Latency Wins". And how to fix it? Stop playing now and try again the next day and if you're impatient try doing it in a couple hours. Sometimes its just bad for a couple hours.