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Concerning character tower requirements... seriously Nrs?


Dojo Trainee
So I got to stage 2 of the Scorpion character tower. And I now need to do 75 damn fatalities and 75 brutalities before I can progress.

This number is ridiculously high as it seems you HAVE to do them in the towers. MP apparently doesn't count.

Does anyone know if the rewards for these towers can be found elsewhere? Other timed towers perhaps?

I initially wanted to try and unlock all brutalities for some if not every character. But if I seriously need to win 150 rounds per character in de towers in order to get them all I'm going to give up on that endeavour.


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
LOL wait until the third tower where you need 100 Krushing Blows and 25k pints of blood spilled.

p.s. they don't count if you don't have the tower set up, so good luck grinding the survivor tower on very easy.


Thrill Kill
Does anyone know if the rewards for these towers can be found elsewhere? Other timed towers perhaps?
That's what my friends Vito and Gina asked, "well, at least I could buy that cool skin/gear" and I was like... "umm, you might wanna sit down".

Get ready to grind.

Some skins in the costumization section have a description saying if they're unlockable on the Towers or the Krypt. If they're in the Krypt, good luck trying to find the right chest since their locations are randomized to each of us.


'ello baby, did you miss me?
Some skins in the costumization section have a description saying if they're unlockable on the Towers or the Krypt. If they're in the Krypt, good luck trying to find the right chest since their locations are randomized to each of us.
Disagree about Krypt vs Towers. The Krypt doesn't worry me one bit from what I've seen. The only thing that seems like it'll take a while is the heart chests. Everything else is doable within a week, IMO. But whether it takes 2 days, or a week, or two weeks, I'll get it done and then I'll have all those things.

Towers on the other hand are fucking awful... if a skin/brutality/intro/whatever is locked behind someone's character tower level 2/3/4, it might take months for my top 5 characters, and "never ever" for the rest. And if it's not behind a character tower, then I'm at the mercy of RNG for it showing up or not on a day I can play the game.


Dojo Trainee
That's what my friends Vito and Gina asked, "well, at least I could buy that cool skin/gear" and I was like... "umm, you might wanna sit down".

Get ready to grind.

Some skins in the costumization section have a description saying if they're unlockable on the Towers or the Krypt. If they're in the Krypt, good luck trying to find the right chest since their locations are randomized to each of us.
It indeed states towers on some items but does that mean any tower? Or are some skins and brutalities only unlocked through the damn character towers?

I just really hate the idea of those superbly stupidly high requirements AFTER you've paid to get access to the tower in the first place. Because if thats the only place to get them then 99% of us will never see those brutalities or skins.


Hardcore gaming poser.
This game is a giant fucking waste of time. Everything is a chore - moving, getting damage, opening people up, getting a skin, practicing w tourney variations, playing story without crashes, opening menus delayed by the always-online connection, pokes (yes, fucking POKES!), memorizing chars that NRS keeps changing, waiting for another fatal blow animation, etc. This game is a full time job that offers barely anything for my effort.

So don’t expect to ever get those tower rewards. If they were fun it’d be one thing, but you have to play very easy to maximize efficiency and you’ll prolly burn out from boredom before getting that cool new skin.


"There is fear in your heart"
that doesn't make any sense, what exactly they are "trying" to fix? isn't it obvious that the towers are broken af? they gotta chill with those numbers man damn


Thrill Kill
My concern is to unlock things for multiple characters. If one is already too much, could you image trying to unlock everything for 5? heck, even the 25?
It's almost like the "mastery" bullshit of MK9 that expected you to spend 24hs with each character. Yeah, sure. I only did it for one character and it was more than enough.


Kitana & Skarlet
Is this something they're even gonna address though :( Like they need to, it's absolutely ridiculous but I somehow doubt they'll do anything -- did they change legendary gear requirements in I2?


Yea, so far I've relegated myself to just playing online.

The tedious towers of real life time consumption are a joke. I'd trade the lootbox system from IJ2 over this shit any day.