Chernyy Volk
Wolf lord, footsie bully, chronic corner abuser.
I basically feel like Nightwolf is a bad character and a design failure, here's my video about why and about what I think should happen to him.
I'm going to pre-empt the objections to this claim I've gotten up to this point.
I know Gambler beat Jueks by using Hana's Wrath, I explain in the video and show if Jueks actually labs, that'll never happen again.
People are making claims Bio is doing work with Tomahawk Swing/Grappling Stalker/Moonfall and that this makes Nightwolf a pure mix character. There is no mix. If you want proof, I am more than happy to record me defending against any example you name of what you think that mix is.
If you think Nightwolf isn't bad, tell me why you think he isn't bad. My problem, outlined in these videos, is mainly he has a lack of options. His base character isn't great, half his strings are useless, more than half his specials are useless, his flexibility when it comes to kustoms is basically nil as far as what he can be effective with especially in his bad MU's.