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COMING SOON: The 5-5 Show Among Us


Boys and girls girls and boys, how are all of you this morning?

As alot of you know I run a MK podcast called the 5-5 show with ImNewbieSauce and Chaosphere . As you may have noticed there hasn't been a new episode up since we did the post final round Smoke episode with the cowardly fool himself: Mr. Tommy Wafflez

Why you ask?


We've been learning a new game for the past 3 weeks. Busy studying our characters, learning the games mechanics, developing our fundamentals, and maybe delving into matchups here and there at GGA(Which is really just a fancy way of saying, getting bodied by 16 bit, dizzy, pimpimjim, han and Jeremiah for hours on end).

We know alot of you guys are on the same page, some of you maybe a few pages behind or ahead. And we haven't forgotten about ya. Which is why a brand new Injustice series of The 5-5 show is in the works. We will continue to push these shows out as fast as we can with plenty of established guests and maybe a few people you haven't heard of that can teach you a thing or two.

This won't be a character by character format this time around as the game and community still has alot of evolving to do before we could even BEGIN to say we know enough about each of these characters. But we still wanna talk tech with you guys. Whether it's how to develop your mixup game, tourney outcomes, how to guard against the infamous 'ambiguos crossup' or what we've noticed about the roster so far. There is so much to talk about with this game strategy wise and we want to share our tech discussion with you guys in a drama free, salt free, callout free format. (Until we have 16 bit on.... I don't think he can brush his teeth in the morning without calling somebody out...lol)

So with that said guys I wanna open the floor up to YOU. Our community.
What do you want us to talk about tech wise?
What do you want to learn about?
Have a question?
Want a tech topic discussed?
You think ______ is a fraud and needs to be exposed?
The On Blast Show would probably love to have you on....

This is gameplay only related stuff guys so make sure to keep it at that.

I'm working on locking in a guest or two for the first episode and we should be recording the show on Friday. Leave your questions and comments for the show here in this thread.

It's good to be back guys. Lets talk tech.

UPDATE: I just confirmed our guest for the first Injustice 5-5 show and it is none other than GGA 16 Bit himself who has more experience playing this game than just about any of us. If you guys have a question for him you want answered. please let us know.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Good timing. I intend to bring back my character council series for Injustice soon, with some revised rules. Definitely supporting this.


Good timing. I intend to bring back my character council series for Injustice soon, with some revised rules. Definitely supporting this.
Apreciate it sir. I think the council series will do even better this time around actually. There are a bunch of new people and everyone has the chance to start from the beginning with their characters. I can't imagine how difficult that must be to mantain though man, hats off to you.


Just confirmed our guest for the first injustice episode. GGA 16 Bit will be coming on and talking tech with us. This should be a very entertaining episode lol.