Feel free to post all your combos, videos as long as it's with the tournament variations presets that Cassie has. NRS has stated that these may or may not change, and they may or may not add more so I'll edit this thread if changes are made. I'll also add all the combos we find in this post so people can have a quick look and find the most optimal ones.
Also, if you're looking for training partners don't be shy, ask! My PSN is Vslayer_MK feel free to add me.
Krushing Blow Requirements For Kombo Starters:
D2: Punish or Kounter
B1,3: if the opponent is blocking standing
Notation Guide (PS4/XBOX)
1= square - X
2= triangle - Y
3= X - A
4= Circle - B
S= Standing
AMP: R1 - RB
Digital Soldier Kombos:
- Flippin' Out (there is a use for it after all, look bellow)
- Low Gunshot (most useful for extending and starting combos)
- Air Bullet Barrage (good anti-air)
Mid-Screen Optimals
B24 + Lowgunshot AMP * J4 * 111 + glow kick 30% (1 bar)
1,1,1 + low gunshot AMP * S4 * 1,1,1 + up glow kick 32% (1 bar)
[starter] low gunshots amp * J2/4 * b24 + nut kick
Optimal Corner:
J4 * Dash * S4 * dual wielding AMP * 111 * nut kick 40%
B13 * Dash * S4 * dual wielding AMP * 111 * nut kick 37%
34 * S3 * dual wielding AMP * 111 + nut kick 36%
J4 * B13 * S1 * S1 * 34 + Nut kick AMP 35%
Optimal Corner Switch:
[starter into low gunshot] dash (you gotta do a full dash) 11 111 + ender
Anti-Air Combos:
B3 * F4,1 + Low gunshots AMP * B2,4 + Nut kick AMP 30%
KB Combos:
Corner KB
D2(KB) * Dash S4* Dual wielding AMP * 111 + nut kick (KB) 57% (charged guns)
B1,3 KB * S4 +BF1 AMP * 1,1,1 + up glow kick AMP 47% (2 bars)
B13(KB) * Dash * S4 * Dual wielding AMP * 111 + nut kick 44%
B1,3 KB * S3 * S4 * 1,1,1 + low gunshot AMP * F1,2 + Nut kick AMP 44% (2 bars)
B1,3 KB midscreen:
B1,3KB * S4 * 3,4 AMP DB1 * S4 + BD3 AMP 45%
B1,3 KB *S4 + AMP low shot * S4 + BD3 44%
B1,3 * B2,4 + low gunshot AMP * J4 + Air bullet barrage 31%
Uppercut KB:
D2 KB * S4 + AMP low shot * S4 + AMP low shot * S4 + Nut kick 46%
D2 KB * S4 * Low Gunshots AMP * JI3 * Air Bullet Barrage 41%
D2 KB * B2,4 + Low gunshots AMP * S1 *B2 + Nut kick AMP 38%
Nut Kick KB:
1,1,1 + DB1 AMP * J2 * B2,4 + Nut kick AMP (35% + DoT damage + 2% if using charged guns)
Wake-up Combos:
U2 * B2,4 (delay the B2, 4 just a tad) + low gunshot AMP * 2,1 + nut kick AMP
Flippin’ Out tech:
Yaas Queen Kombos:
- Shoulder Charge
- BLB Energy Burst (2 slots)
111 * Energy Burst AMP * dash cancel 111 + Ender
1,1,1 + energy burst AMP* B1,3 * B3 * B2,4 + Nut kick 31% (1 bars)
b2,4 * energy burst AMP * quick link to b1,3 * micro walk * S1 * S1 * B2,4+ nut kick AMP
Optimal Corner:
F4,1 * BLB Burst AMP * S1 * S1 * S1 * S1 * F4,1 + shoulder charge AMP
S2 + energy burst AMP * B1,2 * S4 * energy burst * S1 * S1 * S1 * S1 * B2,4 + nut kick AMP
F4,1 + BLB Burst AMP * B1,3 * S1 * S1 * S1 * S1 * F4,1 + shoulder charge AMP
Jailing & Frame Traps
- D3 jails into 111
- D4 jails into F2
General Tech and Tips
Cassie Cage is made for the inpatient asshole who can't wait to knock their opponent down to meaty them with F4, AKA, me. She's a very good rushdown character with exceptional footsies. You can literally whiff punish the opponent and meaty them all day without breaking a sweat. She has okay damage, but you don't need 40% combos because she'll vortex your ass all day anyway.
D4 used for spacing, it's really good and jails into F21+3!
D4 low gunshots is a thing, use it.
They block F21+3 once? Do it again.
In the corner F41 into low gunshots leaves you at + a lot, so use 34 right after to launch their asses into a combo. Rinse and repeat.
If you want to do instant air gunshots, short hop, wait a fraction of a second and as she's falling down input bf1 and the first shot should get most characters. If you do it low enough, both will hit.
A trick with any character that has a 9f mid. If your opponent usually pokes into attack or pokes into grab, wait for the poke, block it, then F4 their ass. It'll clip them 11/10.
If your back is to the corner and you get a combo off, dash RIGHT after Kneecapin', like a full dash, and catch them with a S1, you can convert that into decent damage and put them back into the corner.
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