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Discussion Characters/variations you wish you could use but cant


Not Good Enough
I lack the capacity to play Thunder God and Master of Storms. The F12B2 combos make me feel silly and discourage me from learning him. I've practiced with him for about a year and I could get the same damage and spacing potential using Kano, who literally takes a quarter of a brain to play compared to Raiden. Whenever I take my Raiden into online against competent players, I drop combos and end up getting mopped. I'm going to keep trying though.


Tempest Lao because I want to be able to go for optimal damage for the characters I use and I miss too many times his hat spin into S4. Mystic Ermac too with some of his starters into teleports that give you a tighter launch than others.


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
Stunt double Johnny or any variation of Johnny really, I love Johnny as a character but I just don't enjoy playing him and he doesn't suit my playstyle in the slightest
Any character that relies on cancels for combos, just cant seem to do it. Something about having to hold a button down while continuing what im doing completely ruins any ability i have execution wise. :(


Reptile. Noxious. I cant accept his limitations.
The only variation i wanted to play. Cant play noxious..so i dont play the game.


thugs bunny
DN tanya

my playstyle is too defensive and i don't take enough risks to scare people with her.