Noob Saibot
Aquaman - Defensive/Ranged Footsies/Mixup
Ares - Counter Zoning/Keep Away/Zoning/Small hint of Rushdown
Bane - Grappler/Rushdown
Batgirl - Mixup/Counter Zoning
Batman - Rushdown/All Around
Black Adam - Counter Zoning/All Around
Catwoman - Ranged Footsies/Mixup
Cyborg - Zoning
Deathstroke - Mixup/Ranged Footsies/Zoning
Doomsday - Rushdown
Flash - Rushdown/Mixup
Green Arrow - Mixup/Rushdown/Ranged Footsies/Small hint of Zoning
Green Lantern - Ranged Footsies/Keep Away
Harley Quinn - All Around/Mixup
Hawkgirl - Defensive/Zoning
Joker - Rushdown/Setup
Killer Frost - Mixup/Counter Zoning
Lex Luthor - Setup/Mixup
Lobo - Grappler/Mixup
Martian Manhunter - Counter Zoning/Setup/Mixup
Nightwing - Rushdown/Ranged Footsies
Raven - Keep Away/Counter Zoning
Scorpion - Counter Zoning/Mixup/Rushdown
Shazam - Grappler/Rushdown/Mixup
Sinestro - Zoning
Solomon Grundy - Grappler/Rushdown
Superman - All Around/Ranged Footsies
Wonder Woman - All Around
Zod - Setup/Zoning
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks Aquaman is a defensive play style to an extent. I'd also maybe put him in the counter zoning category with his DB2 trident spike that does 20% MB and punishes some pure zoners.
What do you think?