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Character loyalty vs character playstyle

For me it comes down to who I pick the most. So I play whoever I feel like and over time it becomes obvious that I lean towards 1 character.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
As a big fan of Lex Luthor and his power armour I've been wanting to use him since he was announced, however I'm finding his knockdown/setup playstyle isn't really working for me as I generally play very aggressively.
Should I stick with Lex and try to make him work for me or would I be better of sucking it up, having Lex for fun and casuals, and try to find a character goes with how I play more?
As a guy who stuck with Character loyalty over style of play in UMVC3 I'll just say that there is a strong feeling of pride in forcing your character to work and do well, but its also not a very fun way to play the game. I loved Iron Fist, but he restricted me on so many team options and he really really hampered my play at times. I made him work, but it was give and take on the reward and cost.

I eventually had to play Taskmaster/Iron Fist/Arthur and use Taskies corner carry combos to guarantee corner position for Iron Fist without the uphill struggle against zoning he suffered. With Iron Fist in Arthur's +3 daggers allowed me to lock nigh permanent block strings and maximize pressure to fish for that TOD he's known for. Plus Arthur's daggers stayed out long enough to let me wave dash inside of them through most any zoning tools. Tasky parabolic assist arrows locked down incoming dudes for mixups in the corner and if Iron Fist wasn't in his rising dragon assist greatly enhanced Tasky or Arthur's zoning by allowing me reaction punishes to any jump attempt used to get over my zoning and it resulted in wallbounce full convert combos. Basically I turned Iron Fist assist into Deathstroke's MB assault rifle. Plus Arthur at Anchor meant I had RIDICULOUS lvl 3 xfactor comeback potential given he could full screen kill you on chip lockdown from his zoning.

A great team...but it was the ONLY one I found that worked well with good synergy. Even Hawkeye failed to work most times as his projectiles came out too fast to use to get in and Modok corner carry though great still left me needing a good lockdown assist on incoming guys to stay less predictable. Psionic blaster would mean no air coverage during matches and that all my incoming mixups would involve me jumping in on dudes with an assist down below.

Like I said...it was rewarding to pull off, but I was suuuuuuuuuuper limited in how I got to enjoy the game.

Play them, learn them, love them...but dont demand you dont also play others.


Likes nerds with big ...
Honestly, I'm opposite of what a lot of the hardcore players are saying. I find a character I love and main them. It is loyalty but of a different kind. I learn how to use the character and then use what I learned to work with my play style. The good thing is that my fave characters tend to be right up my alley in terms of play style.

Oh yeah, I said characters, I usually have a team of three. The funny thing is that, when it came to MK9, no one changed from my team. In MK9 my team was Mileena, Jade and Kitana. However, with Injustice I went from Catwoman, Nightwing and Harley to Nightwing, Catwoman and the Flash.


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
For the moment I think I'll stick with Lex and play around with the other characters on the side, as people have said the game is new to learn and I may well have a breakthrough on either front.
yeah i would play around with other characters and use 2 people


The Only Player On The Wii U
Mained Joker in the Beginning because his intro was so awesome compared to everyone elses.
He has a playstyle I liked, but he kinda sucks overall, so I picked some other characters that I liked for company.

Those happened to be Black Adam and Grundy, which Ironically covered basically all my future Matchups.
You can be one of two types of players: A tier whore or a dedicated fan. Your choice. I am a dedicated fan of Batman and Deathstroke and no matter how badly they get nerfed I will stick with them and try to work my way through the OP tidal waves.


I chose Flash as a main a year before the game came out because he is my fav DC character and just looks cool as fuck in this game. If down the line bad matchups become harder or very annoying I can always pick someone else up. Regardless i will always play flash in some way shape or form


Wonderful Woman
You can be one of two types of players: A tier whore or a dedicated fan. Your choice. I am a dedicated fan of Batman and Deathstroke and no matter how badly they get nerfed I will stick with them and try to work my way through the OP tidal waves.
Or a third type of player, one who wants to have fun. You don't have to be a tier whore to want a character you do better with or enjoy their playstyle more.
I always go into fighting games with a few characters in mind to try out and figure out who's going to be me the best. I wanted to play Batman in Injustice really bad but he ending up being way to straight forward so I moved on.

The Mighty Yoch

Shocking Your System
You need to find the balance imo. I came in wanting to play Harley, Arrow, Lantern, Bane, and Nightwing. Not including DLC because Lobo and Batgirl are both on my list. Of the 5 I didn't like Harley or Nightwing. Love Arrow and Bane and still need to try Lantern some more. I chose them initially because I love their characters with Arrow and Lantern being my favorite DC characters. I also knew they had varied styles from all the previews so I think I found what I enjoy with them. Balance with likeing a character and liking their style is a beautiful thing.

Darth Mao

Your Tech is Mine! #buffRaiden
To me loyalty is always the best choice. Yyou play with more pleasure, strive to learn the matchups, have more fun. When you are rewarded with a good character, it's even better. I was lucky of Aquaman being a good character [yes, I'm a big fan of him], but even if he was a bad character I had already decided to use it since his announcement.

Here a part of my collection of Aquaman's hq's :cool::