CEO Trip Update:
BehindtheLight met me here in Port St. Lucie and we headed to O town for CEO. Arrived at the hotel and checked in with no issue. We were excited to get to the room and work on some stuff before the MK tournament. However, the hotel had a tv in the room from the 1980's so we couldnt event hook up the system. WTF? Maybe next year we can host this evet somewhere that has a flat screen in the room?
We roll into the venue and check in was easy. Got our badges and away we went. The venue was huge with a wall dedicated to MK, SF, and MVC. The other games were spread throughout. We ran in to Tom Brady and he followed through with his promise to play my 8 year old son at MK. Suprisingly my son won

and was thrilled to play one of the Greatest MK players around. In my opinion, also the nicest. Thanks Tom.
We played a few casuals then registered for the the MK Team Tournament. It was originally supposed to be 2 players per team. They changed it to 3. So I ponied up the $15 bucks (really? Is this small enough or no?) and searched for a 3rd teammate to join me and BTL. We found some dude that looked good playing noob and he joined us. This is where the fun begins.
First round we get our matchup. I will not give the exact handle of the player at to protect the innocent. Lets just refer to this player as
Eater. This guy looked like they had to balance him on the chair. He looked as though he was going to spill onto the floor at any time. True lack of muscle mass. Anyhow, he chose Ermac and proceded to zone all 3 of the team members. The most annoying part of the entire thing was that he had a following of groupies. They were young asian girls with high pitched screams that chanted "Let's Go (Guy not to be mentioned)". Wow how annoying. These girls obviously were paid for by the sponosrs cause this heap can't even see his Johnson let alone use it.
On to the second match where I single handedly crushed the entire other team with Milena. Good times. Lost the next round by another zoning ermac. Gotta find a way to beat that dude! Called it a night. Hit the Perkins for a midnight meal and got some rest.
Back to the tournament area at 11am to see what was going on. Our pool wasnt to start till 8pm. Originally scheduled to start at 5pm, but they had to split the pools up due to the large turnout. Played some casuals and did fairly well. BTL managed to beat TomB a game or two but Tom won the series. I got crushed by PL. Did ok against the randoms that were entered. We met some cool players from TYM. The dude from arizona, forget the handle, and the guy from Palm Bay.
Will stay in touch with you all. You are truly class acts.
Finally had the draw completed for the brackets and I drew some scrub called Justin Wong. Might as well get my raping out of the way. So I mentally prepare myself for intense combat. I put the Beats By Dre Headse on (Which if you havent tried them, are awesome), fired up the Rage Against the Machine and proceded to get abused by the best player in the world. I did do my homework and watched video to prepare. I was able to throw in a quick leg kick to start the first round of the first match. That was the last point that I led. Ok, on to my second match against JW. I can surely regroup! The round starts, Wong gets me in a 41% combo and my Ipod switches to James Taylor "You've Got a Friend". So much for my moment of glory.
I'm sent to the losers bracked and wreck some dude that had Ermac. Then proceed to get eliminated by a cyber sub. BTL gets eliminated by the same cyber sub.
We head to MC'D's for some comfort food, head to the room, and then decide to leave in the morning and skip the movie about Justin Wong.
Overall the trip was a great experience. Met alot of nice people and some real A-holes.
Cliff notes:
Tournament could have been run smoother. Was a tad disorganized. Jabailey did a great job selling it. The turnout was great. He will make this better next year no doubt! Thanks Jabailey.
Eater: annoying groupies, shook hands like my 3 year old daughter, no muscle tone, and used annoying Ermac.
Justin Wong: Could be more personable since he is the face of competitive gaming. Shook hands like my 3 year old daughter. Seems awkward in group settings.
Tom Brady: Awesome dude. Truly a class act. Handshake like a man. Used Sub Zero which is respectable. Thanks Tom!!
Pr Balrog: Hates to lose. Looked like a kid that was gonna cry. Had a smaller set of groupies then the other Pro.
Ignorant Bizzle (me) could have played better. played against some of the best. Learned alot.
Behind the Light: Performs like poop under pressure. Could beat anyone if he didn't choke.