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Cancel into slide and dash pressure bomb problems


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Been trying out cyber sub zero and i like him except for two things. I know people have probably posted this before but id like someone to bring these issues back up hoping for a patch or some kind of fix. If not oh well. PLaying as cyber is great for rushdown and everything but the two main problems i have are bombs flying out when i wanna pressure with 3 his main strings starter and then when i finish strings i hate that slide doesnt just cancel and if you mistime it you get full combod on and lose all your pressure which is what CSZ is all about. I was wondering if we could try to bring this up as a possible issue but if it cannot be fixed then oh well. Anyone agree with me and wanna see if this problem can be heard?
CSZ is fine the way he is.... just learn the timing better... 334 slide is risky try 334 ex freeze... and you can only land 112 with an ex slide. but 211+2 slide is easy to land and back3 2 slide or 34 slide are pretty safe... patience is the key with his pressure its like a split second between dropping a bomb or landing the hit...