Fighting games fall under a niche market. GOTY awards are usually rewarded to games with mainstream appeal. The reason fighting games don't have that is because of their learning curve. A casual going into any traditional fighter will play to see fatalities, supers, or other flashy stuff (or game modes), but not to join tournaments. There's not much lasting appeal if you're not going to invest the time to become better at the game, and there isn't exactly a universal appeal to "training" to be the best at a video game.
If you're not going to try to understand the meta-game, then there is virtually nothing going for traditional fighting games (especially Capcom ones). NRS is the only company that is trying to make fighters that break that barrier by incorporating many modes and unlockables, but implementing all of that is only enough to get fighter of the year, not GOTY.
I think the closest fighting game considered for this award was Super Smash Bros Melee and Brawl. lol.
IMost people don't even got the time to put in for an RPG.
By most people, I assume you mean 20+ year olds. =P