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Call of Duty: MW3

I'm one of those people who's gonna pick up both this and BF3. But the one thing that's always bothered me about CoD is that it's the only game that discourages teamwork, where BC2 heavily encouraged it.

BC2 - "Use spot to take out an enemy."
Black Ops - "Jump off a cliff to gain XP! Kill yourself a bunch of times to give the enemy a sentry gun and get your Ghost perk!"

Of course you could always throw your sentry gun across the map, but then you have to hope that not only doesn't it kill anyone else, but that you're the one who takes it out. What an incredibly fun and totally not-asinine challenge. ::)

But I think Activision knows they're playing catch up at this point, and their 10+ year old Quake 3 engine isn't going to cut it next time. Which I really can't wait to see gone, because the videos I have of how unbelievably broken the hitboxes are in Black Ops make it the MvC2 of first person shooters, ugh.


EFL Founder
TerryMasters said:
because the videos I have of how unbelievably broken the hitboxes are in Black Ops make it the MvC2 of first person shooters, ugh.
lol too true

Yeah I'm stoked to see the engine.


I Pikachu while you shower.
No more shit sound, brown maps, ghost tier 1, rc/Xd, second chance, shitty connection, or THAT FUCKING ROCKET ON LAUNCH FFFFUUUU
TerryMasters said:
because the videos I have of how unbelievably broken the hitboxes are in Black Ops make it the MvC2 of first person shooters, ugh.
This!!!! Black Ops was such a mess, I fired up MW2 yesterday and oh my god my eyes had to adjust to the bright colours lol
TerryMasters said:
I figured it was time to upload one of them:

"...you should make sure it isn't broken first."
Yeah the hit detection is horrible on this game, Treyarch even went as far to blame people for Black Ops failing.
MW2 doesn't have the same hit detection issues that BlOps does so I don't think that's the engine. I think it's shitty netcode.