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Cage's 1,3,2 string.


Worst Lao Ever.
I've been using this string and i think it's pretty good but i wanted some other opinions. I find the way this string works best for me is when i just do 1,3 after the opponent has respected my 1,1,f1 and 1,1 mixup. It seems to set them up in that sweetspot range where b3 catches most things and i can use an ex forceball mixup afterwards. I just wanted your thoughts on this string.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
i use this string to troll, i tried experimenting with the push back of 13 trying to set up a b3 or a d4 but they can d3 your d4, i haven't seen anyone try to d4 me afterwards yet, i wanna test out if mileena or sonya tries to d4 after 13 would a b3 blow them up, anyone wanna test this out with me add me on psn Zyphox___ (3 underscores)


Who hired this guy, WTF?
during 11 pressure, those who like to let go of block you can quickly hit confirm 1(whiffs), 3 nut.