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Strategy - Warlock ...But Can You Scoop It? Quan Chi Scoop Reversals


***9/13*** Big Edit incoming. Going to remove all of the strings that cannot be interrupted, and ONLY include strings that you can do something about. This will drastically cut down on the amount of information provided for each character, as well as save me an assload of time on each character. The thought process being that everyone "should" have general knowledge of what strings are punishable or safe on block, and that highs can obviously be neutral ducked.

TL;DR = No need to include the herp derp stuff.

Here you will find each characters strings that Warlock Quan is able to Scoop interrupt. Use this as a quick reference tool. If a character has a variation-specific string that is able to be interrupted, it will be indicated.

***Note*** I'll try to keep this updated as patches and hotfixes are released. Also, if you happen to see an error, please let me know and i'll get on it!


23 = High Overhead, can neutral crouch the High. Overhead can be interrupted with En. Scoop. Safe on Block. Scoop it!

F21+3 = High Mid, both hits can be neutral crouched. Second hit can be interrupted by any poke, both scoops AND B324 for a full combo. -14 on Block

32 = High Mid, can neutral crouch the high to poke or full combo punish by B324, 14xxTrance, b1xxTrance, NJP and other fast starters, as well as both Scoops. Enhanced does not take damage unless performed too slow. If High is blocked the mid must also be blocked. Safe on Block.

32U1 = High Mid High. Same interrupts as above 32 string. If first high is blocked you must block the entire string. -6 on Block.

32D1 = High Mid Overhead. Same interrupts as 32 string above. If first high is blocked you must block the entire string. Safe on Block.


23 = High Overhead. High can be neutral crouched. If you block, you can interrupt with En. Scoop. Safe on block.


12D3 = High Mid. High can be neutral crouched. Can use either scoop to interrupt the "fake low".
12B4 = High Mid Mid. Can Enhance Scoop the final mid of the string. Safe on Block.

Kung Lao
*has no variation-specific strings, just variation-specific specials*

F23 = Mid Low. Can place a Enhanced Scoop in between the F2 and 3. -22 on block, but will more than likely be cancelled by a special. Scoop it!

F34 = Mid Mid. Second hit can be interrupted by armor. Safe on block. Scoop it!

44 = High Overhead. High can be neutral crouched. Overhead can be interrupted by armor. Plus 2 on block. Scoop it!


212 = High Mid Overhead. If you time it "JUST" right, you can Enhance Scoop through the overhead. Safe on block. Scoop it!


113 = High Mid Overhead. Can neutral crouch the High. Can Enhance Scoop between the Mid and Overhead. Plus on block. Scoop it!

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