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Building a PC for MKX


Divekick x 1000
If you are running at really high resolutions, an i7 offers an increase in performance, but albeit still a small one. Processors don't get bottlenecked like they used to, so most games are really just GPU dependent unless again you're playing at a high resolution with high AA/AF.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Thought: do we want to set up a recommended MKX PC build for anyone else interested in making that move? I know there's a lot of people increasingly and reasonably disillusioned with Sony and MS.
The thing is, hopefully if you're building a PC, it won't just be for MKX. There's so much goodness on Steam, and a lot of top-tier games are going straight to PC Day 1 nowdays.

For an MKX + whatever else config, I'd probably want to recommend:
-i5 (don't blow the money on i7 unless you need it, usually for something other than gaming)
-GTX 970 (best performance value for the money, and also near-future-proof)

As far as the SSD, it makes a huge difference in booting your OS, and also if you're working with large files (video, Photoshop, or playing big RPGs that load enormous maps, like the Witcher III), but you likely won't see that much of a difference for fighting games and smaller gametypes, so it's optional.


Divekick x 1000
I personally like the higher FPS over detail, I always have.

I've got an EVGA 970+ OC and it runs everything beautifully.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
The thing is, hopefully if you're building a PC, it won't just be for MKX.
No, of course not. The thrust of what I was getting at was to suggest a build for ensuring people could run MKX perfectly, since that's what someone here seeking advice would be interested in.


Divekick x 1000
The 970 is ideal for most gaming tasks. Obviously if you're trying to run at really high resolutions on full AA (like 3840x2160), then SLI is ideal.

MKX will more than likely stress even high-end cards, depending on your settings. The graphics look like they are going to be no joke, but thankfully since only small stages need to be rendered at a time as opposed to open-world maps, it won't be too much of a strain and the load times should be decent.

Like I said though, I'd rather run at a optimal resolution and medium-high settings with 60+ FPS, than run at max settings on an even higher resolution and barely pull 30+. Especially for a fighting game when every frame counts.