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Question - Possessed Block strings???

ok so im trying to learn kenshi and i was just wondering if there are an go to block string to apply pressure. i see tons of combo stuff being tossed around here but nothing solid in terms of what you can do to apply pressure and trying to open the opponent up....im mainly trying to play possessed.


Blake Griffin's Chariot
50/50s, jumpins, whatever you have to do to keep your opponent honest with their block. Watch how they play over the match in terms of favoring the low of standing block and you'll find an opening eventually to combo into.


Noob Saibot is BACK!
Posted this on another post:

I've been maining possessed since Day 1 and have put a lot of hours in on him, it seems like possessed relies heavily on bar for combos. I consider his possessed variation more chunk damage focused. I generally focus on getting meter early game and generally don't start using meter combos unless i have at least 2.5-3 bars. D4~DF4 is a great way to keep space between you and your opponent, and when i'm still in my "meter building" phase I try to end simple strings in DB1 for the full screen it puts the opponent at. From there I ususally try to catch them with BF3 as they stand or DB4 slightly earlier to build meter. Once they start to understand the pattern it's a great way to bait out unsafe teleports/fast advancing specials.

Possessed Kenshi seems more focused on mind games than anything else. Decent combos take meter, but focus on forcing your opponent to make mistakes instead. For Example: Once your opponent has started blocking your D4~DF4 you can start to get a bit more liberal with how you follow it up. If you land the D4 they'll be expecting the DF4 but you'll still be at advantage on hit, so try running up and throwing them. Or (if you're feeling particularly risky) you could try a D4~DB4 (Enhance for full combo), but they will punish you hard on block.

Another thing to keep in mind is how/when to use Kenshi's teleport. Typically it's a good idea to use it as a reaction to projectiles/zoning, but there are other times where it can be effective. Sometimes after a combo I'll end in 22~teleport, but this is avoidable so use it sparingly. Also, D4~teleport can work sometimes, but generally teleports are a fairly unsafe way to engage.
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