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Better than a Tier List


Tier list suck, as they put the character in catigorys without explanation leaving for discussions that become idiotic
So in an effort to make something that works, this is a list of bad match ups for each character
I will list the characters with their bad matchups, based on the overall communitys thoughts, that are reasonable
Input from USA AND EUROPE AND WHEREVA is welcomed
if one character can not be decided on wheter ? is a bad matchup for ?, i will simply put it in a neutral section until
some cement is poured over and made concrete wether ? is bad for ? or not
If discussion get out of hand i will edit this original post and delete all the information and move it to a new thread
AHAAHAHA... so keep it civilized...
this is not a tier list, just a difficult matches list


Cyber Sub-Zero



Freddy Krouger



Johhny Cage






Kung Lao

Liu Kang



Noob Saibot

Quan Chi






Shang Tsung









Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
A tier list is formed based on the match-ups. As most know, you have the matches default as best of 10. Say there's only 3 characters in a fighting game. One of the characters has a 5-5, 6-4 and 6-4 match-up. You add up the win number, which is the first number of all the match-ups. So said character would have a score of 17. The second character has a 5-5, 4-6 and 6-4. Add it up and it's 15. The last character has a 5-5 4-6 4-6. Only 9 for this character. It would be 17, 15, 9. Most tier list are grouped by letters correlating to how many points they have. For instance 50-60 would be A+ tier in a game, where 39-49 would be A tier. The numbers and letters vary from game to game.

A lot of arguments stem from not knowing the above. They think that the tier list are set-up based on individual character ability, rather than how many good match-ups they have. And for most games that just isn't the case. Most fighters base their tier list on the match-ups just like the above paragraph.


yea i understand that
but it still leads to catigorizing... and that does have its advantages, but also disadvantages
if we could all work on a thread, that does not have anything to do with so called ranks, or the best and the worst,
we could probaly make something better than a tier list then

what is a tier list? a quick reference to where a certain character is ranked comppared to the rest of the cast right?
I don't like that

thats y i'd like for everybody to contribute to this, so we can have a list of the bad matchups to a certain character
which to me, would be much more valueble than a tier list
and all the tier bull shit, can stay in the tier thread

i would love for everybody to start to contribute to this thread, and it would also be greatly appreciated


Buuuuut... the other list IS based on matchups... isn't this the same thing? You might list the actual matchups but the outcome is the same.


This seems like it's just the same thing m2dave and friends put together, except with more typos.
yea just throw dirt on my plate when i was trying to help the community right?
this thread is probaly going nowhere, because some top player didnt make it huh?

when somebodys tries to give you a hand u shouldnt spit on it


Buuuuut... the other list IS based on matchups... isn't this the same thing? You might list the actual matchups but the outcome is the same.

the outcome will not be the same, because there will be no rank

the outcome of this will be a collection of thoughts designed to help players
not designed to rank characters

but... wateva

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
Yeah, idk why everyone is shitting on this thread. The OP just wants a list of who the bad matchups are. The tier list is just that, a tier list, and unless it's posted in that thread, you don't know who the bad matchups are. This would be great paired with the tier list.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Yeah, idk why everyone is shitting on this thread. The OP just wants a list of who the bad matchups are. The tier list is just that, a tier list, and unless it's posted in that thread, you don't know who the bad matchups are. This would be great paired with the tier list.
That's what match-up charts are for. And once we get a more developed tier list, aka a better match-up list, we'll put together a solid match-up chart. We can already do that actually, someone just actually has to do it.


damn ya'll realy shitted on my thread
it took me like 15 minutes to make this thread look nice but fuck it
it couldve been good but watever, if a mod can please close this....


damn ya'll realy shitted on my thread
it took me like 15 minutes to make this thread look nice but fuck it
it couldve been good but watever, if a mod can please close this....
yup, some people are just to stubborn.
i love this thread, as i think and know tier lists are junk, as i explained on the other thread.

i for one thank you for the time and effort and for trying to do something nice for the community.