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Best stick for a stick noob?


Subby-Z is my Main Man, the Man that I Main
Do most people use their thumb to jump on hitbox (e.g., the jump input is below the other directional inputs like down on a D-pad)? That seems disorienting, and would either make my fragile brain explode or permanently leave me in the state that Jason creates when he makes the world go red in Relentless. But I will take your word for it that it is not a rediculous learning curve
The reason they did that is because they did years of testing and found that to be the ideal way to do the layout. IaFBs work better,and you get better motions. I personally like it like that, and it doesnt take much getting used to. Also, if you find that it doesnt work for you, you can always open it up and change the layout to your liking.


Do most people use their thumb to jump on hitbox (e.g., the jump input is below the other directional inputs like down on a D-pad)? That seems disorienting, and would either make my fragile brain explode or permanently leave me in the state that Jason creates when he makes the world go red in Relentless. But I will take your word for it that it is not a rediculous learning curve
When you think about it, it actually makes perfect sense for fighting games.

A lot of people will get hung up on "up is down and down is up," but that's the wrong way to consider what's going on. Try to picture it as "My movement is up here, and I have a jump button down here."

Having the down button between your two directional inputs really lends itself to inputting specials. Because the game uses db and df, it winds up feeling more natural to just drum two adjacent fingers together than being all over the place.
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It's all so very confusing.
Quick tip, the q4 comes with a velvet cloth coated underside, so it doesn't slide at all, s feature I LOVE, but for like 2$, and a trip to a fabric store you could add that to any stick,.


I tried to throw a yo-yo away. It was impossible.
You can use the pdp ml sticks they made for mk9. They work pretty good. Buttons are kinda far but fine other than that. I'm trying to learn to use them. I got the klassic version of them. If you want a stick for all fighting games, I wouldn't get that one though. Doesn't play nice with other fighting games


off topic but I owned two TE sticks and for some reason I am terrible with the stick, specifically with the movement. It just feels awkward for me and I cannot do precise motions because my left hand would get jittery with the stick, resulting in extra inputs. Would a hitbox be sufficient enough to remedy my problem?