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Best stage for gadget characters


What stages would be best for characters like Joker, Green Arrow and Batman because it sucks being pounded by interactables and I thought Atlantis would be good for bing so neutral but really isn't.


Atlantis is one of my favorite stages since I play mostly gadget characters, because slide pole and water jets ^_^. I like Fortress of Solitude or Themyscara for Green Arrow. Fortress of Solitude is cool because GA has good use of the laser. And the fire jets are really good on Themyscara for GA as long as you are good at dodging the lions heads from power characters. Batman is good just about everywhere imo, except maybe Metropolis rooftop.


I like Gotham Alley. Nothing feels better than abusing a power character with dumpster shenanigans. The hydrant arrow corner can be pretty dirty as well.
Hall of Justice- Awesome set ups with the Wall-E thingy
Atlantis- The hydro pumps
The left corner of Stryker's Island is pretty good aswell


AUS FGC represent!
Ferris; certain gadget characters have unblock interactable traps that stuff up any attempt to avoid them.


Ferris, Atlantis, Gotham alley, Themyscyra port, ect. Basically any map that allows them to use interactables repeatedly or any map that lets them do more than just jump off of stuff.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
It depends upon your matchup, if you're against a power character, gadget character, or acrobat.

Acrobats best stage is Watchtower- for it is the only stage in which they can use interactables almost as well as the rest of the cast: for everyone can throw the drones. Always.

Gadget VS Power is either Crime Alley, for dumpster OTGS that power characters can only dream of having- and being able to use the dumpster repeatedly.

Gadget VS Acrobat is Wayne Manor parking lot, easily. The Gadget character can use the car on the left an infinite number of times, for 20% unclasables, combos, and corner escapes-- and the only interactable from which acrobats get damage is the motorcycle. Slow.

Power Vs Gadget and Acrobatis either Gotham Rooftop, Lex's Lab, or Metropolis Rooftop/Museum. Lots of fast throwable stuff, and near nothing for other character types.

Power Vs Power doesn't matter. Play whichever you've made combos for.
There are some character specific best stages.
Catwoman rocks Atlantis: (See Under_The_Mayo 's science of interactables video.)

Cyborg and Shazam do amazingly well in Fortress of Solitude, as they both have inescapable, colossal damage from the rocketship on the left. and Harley and Joker are usually best in Wayne Manor's Great Room, they get 22% bonus damage from piano combos, a chandeleir to help against zoning, and two corner interactables that lead to unblockable setups. Oh, they also have crazy chair tech. seriously.


Yung Kneecaps
Gotham alley for the dumpster or wayne manor and stand next to the car the whole match and just keep exploding the shit out of it anytime they get close. Works good just don't get too carried away with it. Metropolis street works good too


People still sleeping on hall of justice I see. Plaza is essentially the gadget/acrobat version of metropolis rooftop. Most gadget characters get guaranteed damage off robot activations. Batgirl gets a 40% unblockable unavoidable combo that leads to her vortex. The robot forces your opponent to jump so if you have something that will guarantee a hit on a jumping opponent you're good. Green arrow hit robot then jumping ice arrow for guaranteed damage against most of the cast. You can also hold the robot and let it go for some interesting set ups.

After that it gets matchup specific. Ferris is generally good for non power characters as long as you remember you can't duck a turbine from a power character but they can duck yours.

Alley is good. Atlantis is good against certain characters like grundy. Pipe makes it a pain to deal with.