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Best Kameo for each character


I'm a lover, not a fighter
This is all pretty easy and straight forward... who is the best kameo for each character you play???


I'm a lover, not a fighter
Oh yeah, as for mine...

Li Mei is my main, but love Ashrah too. I also play a fair bit of Raiden and Kitana.
I play pretty defensively soooo...

Li Mei - Kung Lao/ Scorpion are the best. Kung Lao is who I use. He is great for mind games. safety and zoning - but Scorpion seems a popular choice for offence / damage / keep away etc
Ashrah - It is always about Sareena

Apart from those, I ain't no expert, but I use...

Kitana - Sub Zero. Soooo many defensive options
Raiden - Can't say I am married to anyone. Sub is my go to.


Kenshi - Cyrax or Sub Zero
Raiden - Kano or Khameleon, as well as Jax.
Reptile - Khameleon or Scorpion (though maybe Stryker may be a good option)
Baraka - Stryker or Khameleon, imo
Mileena - Kung lao, hands down. Though Khameleon, Scorpion and Sareena are also good.
Ashrah - Sareena most likely.
Sub-Zero - Sareena and Khameleon.
Scorpion - Stryker and Kung Lao.
Nitara - Khameleon and Kung Lao
Kung lao - Goro.
Liu Kang - Khameleon and Lao.
Kitana - Jax and Kung lao. Maybe sub in a specific matchup.
Sindel - Lao. But sub and khameleon are also decent picks
Nitara - Khameleon and lao.
Havik - Sub-Zero and perhaps jax too.
Johnny - Lao, Kano, Khameleon.
Shang - Goro, Sub zero and Lao.


Oh yeah, as for mine...

Li Mei is my main, but love Ashrah too. I also play a fair bit of Raiden and Kitana.
I play pretty defensively soooo...

Li Mei - Kung Lao/ Scorpion are the best. Kung Lao is who I use. He is great for mind games. safety and zoning - but Scorpion seems a popular choice for offence / damage / keep away etc
Ashrah - It is always about Sareena

Apart from those, I ain't no expert, but I use...

Kitana - Sub Zero. Soooo many defensive options
Raiden - Can't say I am married to anyone. Sub is my go to.
I agree with Kitana/Sub... When played properly its almost impossible to approach her

Fatality o

Cigretts PSN
Finally a good topic.

It’s clearly Stryker to make everything safe or plus and as a defensive option. You can use B22 with nades to get in, etc. Gives him some more mix as well.
Sub is also a great option because of ice armor obv for anti zoning and makes his own zoning very viable, he gets combo extensions, a nice mid screen check in the shoulder and it gives him a whopping 1150 health which is huge for him.
Honorable mention in Kano, same options as Stryker but gives him a mid check with Kano ball which gives him an option to enforce his high starter plus frame strings on knockdown. Kano knives jail off of 22 into highs as well which is great. The problem is you get no extra mix so you have to throw a lot and if people know the matchup and when to flawless block it can be tougher.

Khameleon is the best potato brain kameo for rain cause every variation gives him new options. Kitana makes geyser pseudo safe, he gets a safe mixup with his B2~fan throw into 25-30%. He can do rain god or projectile or toilet bowl into fan lift too to jump on your opponent.
Mileena gives him 2 50/50 options with ball roll in 114 and F21 which is probably the best thing he gets from khameleon. D3 ball roll also catches people a lot . Also can extend his combo midscreen with sais after jump 214 and in the corner after geyser.
Jade is great as well for the boomerangs. Very good check from mid-full screen that gives us plus frames. Great to throw on knockdown too to enforce a meaty into mix. Can catch people whiffing too if you backdash at the right distance. D3 rang from outside of most poke distances is another nice check into potential mix.
Cyrax gives us back throw combos into 20% and forward throw combos for 2 bars. Corner combo extensions as well as midscreen although harder to time. Helicopter to catch people trying to punish geyser and other things if you have full kameo.
Sub self explanatory for the anti zoning and making our zoning less punishable. Can play fullscreen keepaway against a lot of characters. He also gets the full charge projectile into toilet bowl vortex which is veryyy good.
Stryker for the same reasons everybody can pretty much use Stryker. Safe armor, geyser, safe into portal teleport, mixup off 114 and F21. Makes our zoning and jumping safer. Restand if you so desire.


Can you expand on this? I am really interested in why you think Kano and Jax are best. As I said, I am no expert, so what do you think they bring to the table?
I don't play Raiden myself, but the Raidens I lost the most to were using Kano and Jax.

Kano allows him to do storm cell safely from every single string by holding kano-ball, which allows for insane chip and meter building consistently during the match. It also makes Raiden's teleport safe (by doing kano knifes offscreen, as they will hit you if you try to punish the teleport and you may even get full combo punished). The same is true for the superman fly, both if it whiffs OR hits a blocking opponent. Of course, once they are out of kameo meter, they can just spend one bar for ex storm cell, which is safe (save for Reptile's elbow dash I think), hits low multiple times and can launch if it hits. And he can also combo meterlessly with his shock move by using kano knives as well.

As for Jax, it is similar: he gains massive damage by doing the Jax grab after a shock move meterless, and can reach 40%+ damage easily. He can ALSO make storm cell safe by doing the jax ground pound and, since he will take less damage than you, plus the fact that you were just chipped out, the trade is always in his favour.


Zoning Master
Reiko/Tremor is the team that I would use if I were a young man who was actively competing in this game. I summarized the team very well in this thread.

I also like Kitana and the way she plays, but I think that she requires three different kameos (Jax, Kung Lao, or Sub Zero), depending on the match up, which makes her less versatile than Reiko.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
Havik main as of right now darius is my main kameo because he is a serious knowledge check , when im pissed off at the opponent using raiden cheese or johnny or sindel cheese ill go stryker and play cheesy, usually if its somebody i know is at my level or higher i have to go sub because haviks fullscreen presence is non existent without ice armour..
I also use jax for fun cause hes such a boss and can use scorpion but havent since launch , bit apparently hes is a hard counter to sento so i should get better with him

ReD WolF

Lord of the Drip
Reiko/Tremor is the team that I would use if I were a young man who was actively competing in this game. I summarized the team very well in this thread.

I also like Kitana and the way she plays, but I think that she requires three different kameos (Jax, Kung Lao, or Sub Zero), depending on the match up, which makes her less versatile than Reiko.
Being someone who loves zoning, why is it that you are using Tremor with Reiko as opposed to someone who compliments his zoning more like Stryker? Just curious


Zoning Master
Being someone who loves zoning, why is it that you are using Tremor with Reiko as opposed to someone who compliments his zoning more like Stryker? Just curious
How many characters are you actually going to zone in this game? In other words, how many times are you going to keep a character outside of mid range?

Almost never, because the whole kameo system is designed to even allow a chimpanzee to close the gap.

The game revolves around offensive options, and Reiko/Tremor essentially has a vortex every time d+4, one of the best buttons in the game, hits. Safe, un-reactable overhead. Advantageous sweep. Advantageous high string as well. Most importantly, a command throw that leads to 35% of damage. Over 45% with fatal blow.

Watch Rewind play Reiko/Tremor and everything should be self-explanatory.

ReD WolF

Lord of the Drip
How many characters are you actually going to zone in this game? In other words, how many times are you going to keep a character outside of mid range?

Almost never, because the whole kameo system is designed to even allow a chimpanzee to close the gap.

The game revolves around offensive options, and Reiko/Tremor essentially has a vortex every time d+4, one of the best buttons in the game, hits. Safe, un-reactable overhead. Advantageous sweep. Advantageous high string as well. Most importantly, a command throw that leads to 35% of damage. Over 45% with fatal blow.

Watch Rewind play Reiko/Tremor and everything should be self-explanatory.
I watch Rewind all the time. I use Reiko/Tremor myself as an alt so I am familiar with the character. It's just amusing that you use a pseudo-grappler. But then again, the zoning in this game is kinda ass. I do agree with you though, Tremor is his best cameo.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
I also like Kitana and the way she plays, but I think that she requires three different kameos (Jax, Kung Lao, or Sub Zero), depending on the match up, which makes her less versatile than Reiko.
Can you expand on what situation would you use each one? I have never touched Jax, so I have no clue about him. Sub I use because I tend towards defensive play, but it would be worth me exploring the others if it is important.


RIP Akira Toriyama
I just want them to add more ambush attacks for kameos. There are too few of those while they are most fun to use.

On topic, I still use Sareena and Goro for Sub. Khameleon is still way too random to use efficiently imo.
I don't play Raiden myself, but the Raidens I lost the most to were using Kano and Jax.

Kano allows him to do storm cell safely from every single string by holding kano-ball, which allows for insane chip and meter building consistently during the match. It also makes Raiden's teleport safe (by doing kano knifes offscreen, as they will hit you if you try to punish the teleport and you may even get full combo punished). The same is true for the superman fly, both if it whiffs OR hits a blocking opponent. Of course, once they are out of kameo meter, they can just spend one bar for ex storm cell, which is safe (save for Reptile's elbow dash I think), hits low multiple times and can launch if it hits. And he can also combo meterlessly with his shock move by using kano knives as well.

As for Jax, it is similar: he gains massive damage by doing the Jax grab after a shock move meterless, and can reach 40%+ damage easily. He can ALSO make storm cell safe by doing the jax ground pound and, since he will take less damage than you, plus the fact that you were just chipped out, the trade is always in his favour.
Knives high, you can still use low profiling strings or pokes depending on your character


Knives high, you can still use low profiling strings or pokes depending on your character
That is true, but the timing can be very tricky, as Raiden can activate the knives a little earlier or later. A poke is the safest option, but also the least rewarding one.


Zoning Master
Can you expand on what situation would you use each one? I have never touched Jax, so I have no clue about him. Sub I use because I tend towards defensive play, but it would be worth me exploring the others if it is important.
Kitana/Jax has very good damage. Around 37% mid screen. 45%+ in the corner. Armor leads to 25%. A couple of strings with airborne properties have synergy with ground pound. Jax is arguably Kitana's best default kameo, especially in match ups in which zoning is limited (i.e., Omni-Man and Smoke), even with low hat equipped.

Kitana/Kung Lao has excellent zoning because of low hat and d,b+3 synergy. Footsies become even better with low hat. Meter-less damage is good. Damage with meter is lacking. Offensive options are limited, which is Kitana's Achilles' heel, and Kung Lao does not help much. Nonetheless, I like Kitana/Kung Lao against characters like Reptile and Sub Zero who want to slide to close the gap.

I am not fully informed on Kitana/Sub Zero, but this team is most likely best used on a character like Geras because ice armor ignores low hat and time snap, so you can freely toss fans at him without having to worry about any anti-zoning repercussions. Kitana/Sub Zero's meter-less damage is very good, too.

Kitana is a well-designed character, but she has limited offensive options (i.e., no plus strings, no overhead attacks, no combos from back throws with her best kameos, etc.). Consequently, she cannot be top tier in an offense-oriented game in my opinion.


AUS FGC represent!
Li Mei - either Khameleon or Scoprion. I'm inclined to say Khameleon just because of the sheer utility each variation brings to the table. Li Mei's base kit is pretty decent though, so she can use several kameos quite successfully.