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Best character online?


There it is...
So i was wondering this, i find that certain characters cope with latency much better than others but who does the best?

To use a few characters as examples:

Cyrax: More difficult combos become impossible.
Smoke: Resets become impossible, however his smoke bombs are much better online cause dash blocking them sometimes goofs up and you get hit when you wouldn't have offline.
Mileena: Ex teleport is next to impossible consistently, and its very hard to get around her d4
Noob: Doesn't really rely on high damage combos so lag won't effect that, his 50/50 zoning can be difficult to fuzzy guard with the latency (only if its pretty bad)
Kenshi: lag really effects him very little compared to other characters
I find it funny that with kabal your NDC pressure strings aren't really effected hugely, but i think its because its not a visual trigger its just a manual rhythm you learn. His IAFB get messed up badly though.

if it was down to me i'd say the best characters online at the top 3 stay the same as offline, however the top 10 would look very different.
Kratos suffers in lag, but not that badly if the timing for his Hermes Dash Cancel pressure and combos which incorporate the HDC are committed to muscle memory.

In lag, Raiden vs Everyone is auto 6-4 Raiden.


There it is...
Kratos suffers in lag, but not that badly if the timing for his Hermes Dash Cancel pressure and combos which incorporate the HDC are committed to muscle memory.

In lag, Raiden vs Everyone is auto 6-4 Raiden.
lol fucking true, safe 1 frame teleport. Yes please.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Sub-Zero is the best lag character. If you still want to play footsies in horrible lag.

If you just want to lag-tactic the shit out of your opponent, pretty much the whole cast works.

Notable ones are Kung Lao, Raiden , Kano , Noob , Reptile , Mileena
Kenshi gets his shit pushed in in lag. That is, of course, if you try to play him properly and not just jump around all day.
Kabal is not affected by lag.
Top 5 characters that get the most advantage online:

1. Reptile (Safe dash)
2. Cyrax (Grab not reactable)
3. Kung lao (Safe teleport)
4. Raiden (Frame trap teleport)
5. Sindel (Good luck catching her)

Actual Top 5 online:

1. Kabal
2. Cyrax
3. Kung lao
4. Sonya
5. Kenshi

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Sonya is kind of ridiculous because she can do WHATEVER she wants. Cage is frustrating because you fight him differently online than offline. Reptile and KL are also total bitches


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
reptile and raiden are even more of an asshole online. also as mentioned above mileena d4 (sonyas too). i find cage hard to USE effectively online, jax too. smoke getting out of pressure online is BS aswell.


xbl-OBS trustinme
Well I play nightwolf so fighting any character online is a 10-0 matchup
In their favour.tbh though online for that game makes no sense whatsoever.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Best online?

Kung Lao

Raiden really isn't that bad unless the lag is literally atrocious, he's annoying to deal with but not nearly as much as the above. I hate how Rep's dash is MEGA safe online...and Kung Lao speaks for himself, anyone can use him well online.