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Best anti-air Jabs / Crossovers Characters


This one's for you
Oh I see what you mean, my bad. I was confused by Jax's air grab lol. Yeah I agree, those are definitely good. Sub's clone/22, KL spin, Reptile ex fb, and probably a few other moves don't lose to jumpkicks either.
I would say "most reliable" are AA grabs that make you invulnerable to air attacks. Jax's air gotcha, sheeva's air grab and cyrax anti air grab. These don't lead to big damage but you literally can't get hit out of it after a small startup window.
Sheeva's AA is great, but if you are past her hand she will whiff it and eat a full jump in combo, unlike KL's spin which covers all angles.


The Free Meter Police
I've been testing out raiden's anti-air jabs for a short while now and standing 1~vb is awesome. As far as other characters go I'm most afraid to jump in against jax, cage, and scorpion.

I've been trying to pull out raiden's d1 into combo as a counter to crossups but it seems to be pretty tough. I don't get as much offline practice as I'd like but has anyone else had this work for them consistently? Obviously it's just a timing thing but what I'm curious about is how much of a window do I really have to get that to connect? It seems that as soon as they are past the peak of their jump it seems to work, but sometimes it still misses and I can't tell if it's just online, I'm completely mistiming it, or it's a lot harder than I think it is.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Nw can do 25% off an AA 1 axe 1,1,1,1,122 shoulder

If we are talking about specials too the I can get 31% off an AA axe b2 axe 1,1,122 shoulder
With one bar I get 37% with AA axe axe b2 eh axe 1,1,122 shoulder
Sindel has that awesome U4 and B2
Quans upercut is deadly
I play Kano and cross ups seem to blow for him. to me its D1 to Choke or kano ball out of danger

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Cage, Sonya, Jax and Scorpion. They all put you in very bad situations off an AA. Jumping against them isn't very smart.

Sub and KL deserve honorable mentions as well, but they're nowhere near the threat that those 4 are off an AA.