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Best and Worst Matchups: Reptile


The future of law enforcement.
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I'm attempting to gather good information for my "How to Defeat Any Character" thread. You're going to see this exact post in each of the character threads. If you would like to share your information, ideas, and comments please stick to the format outlined below. This will help speed up the process of rooting out the pertinent information and putting it to good use. Thanks for your support!

*The information in the example post was written off the top of my head and not meant at all to convey actual match information. It serves only as a guide to influence future posts.

Post Format (based on Kano):

Best Matchup: Kano's best matchup is probably against Quan Chi. Quan Chi's 1 wakeup attack, the Sky Drop, just isn't able to break up Kano's awesome offensive game. Kano can keep him at range with zoning tactics that have enough recovery to block and punish the Sky Drop. Quan Chi should be unable to control almost any aspect of a match with Kano.

Worst Matchup: Kano's worst matchup is definitely against Sub-Zero. Ice Clone completely nullifies Kano's Air Ball, and with no teleport Kano can have a very difficult time getting in to inflict decent damage. His only real option is to hang back and zone with Knives hoping to bait and punish Sub-Zero's slide. However, since his Knives can be crouched completely, if Sub-Zero has the damage advantage he can just run down the clock to force Kano to come to him.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
My least favourite Match-Ups as Reptile are Mileena, Kitana, and Cyrax. Mileena seems to have a counter to everything Reptile does and can easily out zone him with her insanely fast instant air sais. Against Kitana I just dont know how to deal with the constant fan and poking pressure, I really do need more match up experience against her, everyone seems to be playing as her recently though so this shouldn't be too hard of a task. It's just a barrage of ridiculously overly high damaging combos against her which she can even do from air to air. With Cyrax, it isn't that bad, you just have to be incredibly careful. Trading with his net isn't as safe as say trading with sub's ice blast. He can quickly gain distance with teleport and whack you with a ~50% bnb. God forbid they know the resets too. Bombs can be a pain in the ass and will keep you on the move, which reptile isn't particularly the best at.

Best match ups? For me, it's Baraka, Quan Chi, and Raiden. Raiden you say?! Teleport can be punished with dash, his strings can be interupted with dash, I think he's just allergic to dash. This is possibly because I've never played an intelligent raiden though... do they exist? Baraka is just a lost cause against reptile, the only thing he has is his armoured blade dash, but outside of that hes destroyed by forceball pressure and has no easy way of escaping. Quan chi is one I'm not too sure on. Skulls are great, but can only hold reptile off for so long, trance has 6 billion recovery frames on block/whiff, and sky drop is punished by dash even if quan chi lands to the side of reptile. But once again, like Raiden, I dont think Ive ever played a very good QC player.


The future of law enforcement.
Former Owner
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My least favourite Match-Ups as Reptile are Mileena, Kitana, and Cyrax. Mileena seems to have a counter to everything Reptile does and can easily out zone him with her insanely fast instant air sais. Against Kitana I just dont know how to deal with the constant fan and poking pressure, I really do need more match up experience against her, everyone seems to be playing as her recently though so this shouldn't be too hard of a task. It's just a barrage of ridiculously overly high damaging combos against her which she can even do from air to air. With Cyrax, it isn't that bad, you just have to be incredibly careful. Trading with his net isn't as safe as say trading with sub's ice blast. He can quickly gain distance with teleport and whack you with a ~50% bnb. God forbid they know the resets too. Bombs can be a pain in the ass and will keep you on the move, which reptile isn't particularly the best at.

Best match ups? For me, it's Baraka, Quan Chi, and Raiden. Raiden you say?! Teleport can be punished with dash, his strings can be interupted with dash, I think he's just allergic to dash. This is possibly because I've never played an intelligent raiden though... do they exist? Baraka is just a lost cause against reptile, the only thing he has is his armoured blade dash, but outside of that hes destroyed by forceball pressure and has no easy way of escaping. Quan chi is one I'm not too sure on. Skulls are great, but can only hold reptile off for so long, trance has 6 billion recovery frames on block/whiff, and sky drop is punished by dash even if quan chi lands to the side of reptile. But once again, like Raiden, I dont think Ive ever played a very good QC player.
That's fantastic info, OmegaK! Thank you very much!


The future of law enforcement.
Former Owner
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you spammed every single board with this stupid thread? c'mon man
Thanks for such a constructive and useful post. I apologize for trying to find useful and up-to-date information that I can organize and share with others on my own time. From now on I'll just browse the threads for other contributors information, not contribute anything of my own, and try to bring down anyone trying to make a positive impact on the overall community.


The future of law enforcement.
Former Owner
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Its not like the front page of Baraka is filled with posts all from today. It hurts no one and helps out the forum.
Exactly. The reason I had to take the time to "spam every thread" with this post is because my research had hit a dead end. The information I'm seeking is either not out there, is out there but it's so disorganized that it's a nightmare to find, or it doesn't pertain to the latest patch. Trust me, I'm putting this information to very good use. I'm making word document profiles of each character so I can view the overall information and look for patterns. Of course I'm finding a lot of obvious stuff, but I'm also finding out a lot of useful tidbits. So far the community has responded positively to my project, with only a handful of TYM members contributing nothing but negativity.


Exactly. The reason I had to take the time to "spam every thread" with this post is because my research had hit a dead end. The information I'm seeking is either not out there, is out there but it's so disorganized that it's a nightmare to find, or it doesn't pertain to the latest patch. Trust me, I'm putting this information to very good use. I'm making word document profiles of each character so I can view the overall information and look for patterns. Of course I'm finding a lot of obvious stuff, but I'm also finding out a lot of useful tidbits. So far the community has responded positively to my project, with only a handful of TYM members contributing nothing but negativity.
less hate for this man please.

imagine if EACH character forum has a sortable MU data just like this
I'm attempting to gather good information for my "How to Defeat Any Character" thread. You're going to see this exact post in each of the character threads. If you would like to share your information, ideas, and comments please stick to the format outlined below. This will help speed up the process of rooting out the pertinent information and putting it to good use. Thanks for your support!

Hey, I am a reptile master, and i have trouble fighting no one, now most people have trouble fighting Kung lao, Sub zero, Mileena, and Raiden with Reptile, which I hear from almost everyone. Now, before i get into those 4, I want to discuss reptiles Block string, This is the most important fighting these characters, because they can't get through it. which very few reptiles even know of. his block string can only be wake up'd by few characters, they are Kung lao, Kano, Sonya. And Johnny Cage. His Block string is Crouch 3 321, crouch 3 321 EX Dash crouch 3 321 repeat. You keep gaining meter because they block, now you might be thinking , well how in the world am I gonna get close to some of these characters? well, lets get into more depth. BIGGEST MISTAKE OF ALL REPTILES: 1 2 2 Slow ball, 3 2 Fast ball, 321 slide. Listen guys, don't slide. IT only adds 4% Damage, Whats smarter? imdediatly after the 321 at the end, charge up the forceball, Reptillian Dash, Block string.(crouch 3 321 crouch 3 321 EX reptillian dash Crouch 3 321 repeat) Now, what this actually does, is that This plays a Mind game on your opponent. Well, hehe, teh slow ball is allready out while they are flying, and when you've dashed the SLow ball is trialing behind you, while your doing a block string, also if they are blocking, and keep blocking, they are dead, youll block string them to the corner faster then the ball is traveling, so go ahead with the block string only kills them.. Now, on fighting Kung Lao. Simple strategy, Guess what Kung lao is gonna do. Keep away from him. its simple, Zone. its obvious when they teleport, Upper cut that off. when they do a flying kick, or when you expect it, charge up the super slowball, they run into it and its like armor for you(you will understand that more when i get into mileena). They will bounce off of it. and theres times when you knock em down with a combo, and your close and they wake up spin, thats why you stay away and force ball, it simply shuts down every kung lao I play. Fighting Sub Zero: Zone, DO NOT dash. when they get close to you after the zone, and becareful of acid balling and him frezing you. after thy get close, which they will because the good sub zero will dash and block in between, start the block string. It KILLS them and frustrates them, tehy ccant iceclone out of it, and if you hit em with a forceball, punish it and do the block string mixup i explained earliar. Sub zero is then easy to beat. Who says reptile needs a dash? :) Now, On mileena, Same tactic, with subzero, but theres a trick. every mileena does this, after two forceballs they teleport, or roll, (and btw its safe to dash now shes not subzero with ice clones) after 2 forceballs, just charge up a forceball with ex ALL the way. what happens is, if they roll into it or teleport, congratulations you just acid balled mileena, and her teleport game is eliminated, and her rolling. on round 2 they are scared to teleport. and guess what? Silly mind game Block string time after you get them into your combo, and after the little thing I call" Acid ball armor". I have no problem fighting her. Now raiden. dashing is safe, acid ball zoning isn't safe, they will teleport and punish so what you do? as they teleport, just press 2 and Slow acid ball 32 fast acid ball 321 and block string time with the silly mind game. :) as they teleport, yes its quick, but there still are frames in which they can't move. it happens to be that Reptiles Nuetral punch 2 hits them during those locked frames. And is punishable every time. so thus Raiden cant teleport on you otherwise he got nothin!, If you dont understand this, hit me up on Xbox Live, Muffin muggers. I'll be glad to up your game. So, I can easily say, once mastered Reptile Is the best character, don't call it non sense until you try this. And to be completely honest. I have trouble fighting my own reptile! I can't do reptile vs reptile fights! haha, but i usuallly win anywho, Hope I helped you!


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Mileena is for sure the worst matchup. She outzones Reptile, outfootsies Reptile, and her teleport kick into air sai is safe vs a standblocking Reptile. She destroys him.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Lol, why do you think I say this? Ugh, she is so good vs him! She's better than Kitana.

Our best matchup, though, is vs Jax and Cage. They just...struggle to get in on Reptile. My first double flawless was vs a Cage lmao.


Monster Island Tournaments
Lol, why do you think I say this? Ugh, she is so good vs him! She's better than Kitana.

Our best matchup, though, is vs Jax and Cage. They just...struggle to get in on Reptile. My first double flawless was vs a Cage lmao.

hahaha yeah I figured. What are your strategies vs Jax and Cage (mainly jax) or is that best left to the Matchup thread?


NJ Jobber
Mileena is for sure the worst matchup. She outzones Reptile, outfootsies Reptile, and her teleport kick into air sai is safe vs a standblocking Reptile. She destroys him.
.....for now. post evo Reo's skarlet is going to be ragequit worthy.


Monster Island Tournaments
Dammit Battlebear why did you have to remind us!!!!!!!!!! I still have nightmares of him and I on stream that week she came out lol


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Skarlet will be bad, for sure. I don't think she'll be 2-8, though.
Lol, why do you think I say this? Ugh, she is so good vs him! She's better than Kitana.

Our best matchup, though, is vs Jax and Cage. They just...struggle to get in on Reptile. My first double flawless was vs a Cage lmao.
then you didn't play a good Johnny cage, the fucker can EX shadow kick his way through.


nightwolf always gives me a hard time with his reflection, thunder, low mixup, and wakeup shoulder... raiden used to give me a hard time but its like theyre allergice to elbow dash.
kabal is soo damn annoying if he spams and zones.. soo difficult to get in

i got used to mileena after playing so many

and of course a good kunglao is a pain in the ass

oh and scorpion jesus christ is by far the most annoying character to play


NJ Jobber
then you didn't play a good Johnny cage, the fucker can EX shadow kick his way through.
OK. 1 meter for like 14% and then your at decent range granted your not in the corner. PLUS you can duck it, so as long as you arent just mindlessly throwing balls out and are aware of your spacing, you should be ok. Hell, half the time i bait the fuck out of that move with a spit.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
EX shadow kick you can't duck. But the problem with the move is if you're using it to blow through whatever I do, and I'm not cornered...it was really just a waste of meter. The pushback and recovery on shadow kick is too long to really make the most of.

And that aside, Reptile can keep Cage out too well. Cage can't deal with d4, really, outside of X-Ray or EX shadow kick. It's a REALLY hard matchup for Cage.

I play REO as well, whose Cage is probably the best in the nation.