Actually no....... To get even close to midscreen 40% or over with Mileena you need to use her slow ass overhead that never hits........ If that happens you get 38%. I know the ends and outs of mileena, your gonna get 30-33% without connecting the slow overhead or wasting a meter! Ermac damage without meter is higher than hers midscreen and corner....... There is no argument here pal...... Sorry I wasn't talking about chracters in all! I said Ermac for meterless damage. Think about what u say....... Hmm i can use Ermac 50/50 game midscreen and get about 38% on low startup and 41% on overhead startup....... Which can go straight into a restand again. Mileena doesnt have that, nor does she have practical midscreen that does as high damage as ermac.... Make ur own post about Mileena and the rest of the cast. Not down my nomination when I have a completely viable prospect in ERMAC FOR DAMAGE! So I'm sorry i believe your wrong. Ermac damage is higher than Mileena. No question........ And again don't come at me with a dumb reply. Make your own comment and see how many ppl share your thoughts
No you get 40% as rav mileena. i do it every day
also mileena is all about mid screen damage actually, what are you talking about? The point i was making is, who sets the rules for that? You say you cant land her OH, you dont even know how much damage it does, because you dont actually play her maybe. I say, i do it every day more than once. So who decides which charakter is on that list for 40% mid screen damage? HINT... it is a rhetorical question.
Also ermacs mid screen damage is not very safe... who sets the line where its ok to add it to midscreen 40% where its "safe enough"? You? Why? Just asking you know, wonder what sense this all makes, in my eyes absolulty no sense at all.
Btw. i find it funny that someone wants to tell me something about Mileena, which i play every day, and acts all of the sudden very cocky and arrogant and then dont even know she can do 40% mid screen no meter combo with her slow OH. Very funny, maybe you THINK before you post next time and try to be lil bit less cocky it just make you look dumb.
Also, i don't know why you start argueing now, about restands and all that, that was never part of any discussion, so i may also bring in some of like Mileenas + things over ermacs? Would that put her then to the list of "damage" mid screen? I mean, it was about 40% damage mid screen and 50% 1 meter corner. nothing else, thats what i quoted, not more. Now its about restands 50/50 and what move is unsafe or "more safe" whatever.... seriously? This whole thing makes no sense at all.
Ah btw. because there is no argument here "pal"... mileena also ahs 50% corner combo 1 bar. So what? The point is, your arguing is kinda annoying and doesn't make any sense at all because it has no fundametals it is build on, it is just throwing random numbers and "facts" at the reply box without thinking about it and then telling people to think... lol. So cute.
So get your facts right before even thinking about doing a reply to me you cocky wannabe bitch. You just registered here like some weeks ago and are already acting like your the god of that forum here.... seriously, get lost.